ALMA: [7.41] ARTILLERY FIRE STRENGTH TABLE: (omission) Artillery Range in Hexes Class 1 2 3 4+ J 8 6 4 - [18.4] DIAGRAM (clarification) The Line of Sight between the units in 2106 and 2309 is blocked. It passes through the hexsides congruent to 2107/2206 and 2208/2308 (and also bisects 2207). Therefore 18.42 Case 'c' does apply, blocking Line of Sight between the two hexes. [19.2] (correction) The reference to "Phasing" in the Commentary should read "non-Phasing". [21.13] (addition) No Russian unit may exit the map until Russian Preservation has been triggered. [21.2] (clarification) Once Russian Preservation has been triggered an unlimited number of Russian units may be exited in any Russian Movement Phase. [21.2 & 23.12] (correction) All references to hex 1701 should be hex 2225. Map (omission) There are two Russian unit's setup hexes missing from the map. They are correctly listed in Case 22.1 as UGL/2E on hex 3103 and UGL/1E on hex 3213.