Official Errata for Pacific Rim Publishing Company Wargames Version 1.0 - 3/1/97 NOTE: If you wish more information about any Pacific Rim Publishing company wargame, please e-mail your request by title, to Errata are numbered by game abbreviation, version, and item. Errata SH 1.02 is the second erratum in the first published set of errata for Shenandoah: Valley of Fire; CH 3.07 is the seventh erratum in the third published set of errata for Chosin. 48TH PANZER KORPS (from CounterAttack 3) FP 1.01 RULE 9. SET UP. German Set Up. Formation 'A' -- Group Adam -- sets up from Hex 4816 to Hex 4634 (south edge of map) inclusive. FP 1.02 MAP. The following corrections need to be noted on the map: 1) the town of Verkhne Aksenovskiy should be in Hex 2226, and is worth 10 Victory Points. 2) the 5 victory Points each for Oblivskaya and Surovinkino should be noted by white numerals 3) The inset map showing the location of the fighting portrayed in 48th Panzer Korps has the name of the Donetz River as 'Donnets'.