Here is some errata for 3W's Battle of the Alma. Some of it is from the 3W topic on GEnie, and the rest is from a personal letter from Rob Markham. 1. There seem to be no units that use the set up hex "S". Is this correct? No, De/C a, De/C b, De/C c, and De/C d should be used. 2. The Explanation of Melee Results (11.32) always uses the phrase "retreats 1 hex" for every result involving retreat. "Advance and Retreat" (11.34) says a unit that retreats "moves 2 hexes away." Which is correct? One hex. 3. Do routed units suffer a die roll modifier as per (11.32), a one column shift, as per (11.3), or a two column shift, as per (12.4)? One column shift. 4. (5.13) says that a unit with a "Stand" command receives a "+1" die roll modifier on defense. Shouldn't this be "-1?" Yes. 5. Trails cancel the movement cost of slope and river hexsides. 6. A unit can change its formation at any time throughout its movement. It is legal to move in column, expend 4 movement points, and then change to line at the end of movement. 7. The melee bonuses for attacking a unit from flank or rear hex are a +1 die roll modifier for flank and +2 for rear. 8. Units which are disrupted in melee do not retreat. 9. When units retreat, they change facing to reflect their movement. 10. A unit advancing after fire combat cannot then melee against the retreating unit. 11. Arillery does not have to be in the command range of its commander when it moves. 12. Friendly units may move through one another. 13. Unlimbered artillery may change facing. 14. New rule: Add a Defensive Fire Phase whenever a player takes Combat Command. The attacking player announces which of the enemy units are targets for fire and/or melee combat. These target units plus any friendly artillery units that may reach the attackers fire before the attacking player initiates fire and melee (i.e., the sequence is Defensive Fire, Offensive Fire, Melee).