From: "David S. Bieksza" Subject: Re: AH Bull Run On Mon, 26 Aug 1996, Wade Hinkle wrote: > 1) Is there errata? (I have checked the site already). The following appeared in the Question Box of the A.H. GENERAL, Vol. 20, No.5: XXX 4.84 If Confederate units are unfrozen due to Union approach to a frozen leader (as per 4.82), must *all* Confederate units be revealed before other Union movement is completed? A. No, *only* pieces approached within four hexes by enemy units need be revealed until the Union player has completed movement. 5.6 Must a unit start its turn on a road hex to utilize the road rate? A. No. 5.63 Are unlimbered artillery prohibited from utilizing the road rate also? A. No. 9.7 If both the attacking artillery and its target are in woods, is the attack strength quartered? A. No, only halved. 11.6 If the infantry unit removing the abatis is bombarded, does this prevent removal if the effect of this bombardment is not adverse? A. No, the bombardment must displace or remove the infantry unit to halt removal. 12.5 Must a leader have a route of retreat (i.e., free of enemy units and their ZOCs) to utilize the "LB2" entry if it is rolled? A. Yes. 12.5 Should the enemy unit which causes the loss of all units stacked with a leader be eliminated (as in an exchange), must the leader still check for elimination? A. Yes. 14.31 May brigade leaders that are currently *part* of a formed brigade rally units? A. Yes. Order of Battle Cards: There appear to be a couple of errors on these cards; the reference to Farm Ford under Abatis should read *Y8* instead of "Y18" and Union reinforcements arrive at *4:00 PM*, not "4:00 AM". XXX FWIW my "personal errata sheet" is short enough to add (with the usual disclaimer that it is completely unofficial): XXX ^The Map^ One of the unnamed fords on Cub Run is in hex HH11, not II11. There is a fourth unnamed ford in hex JJ17. The end of Bull Run is in hex TT35, not TT34. ^Setting Up the Game^ The example under rule 1.32 should refer to hex II7, not I17. A recon path *can* pass through enemy units. ^Command^ A command path can pass through enemy ZOC but not through enemy units. ^Movement^ In the example of crossing fords, the 2 NH and the 2 RI battery end up in hex P2 (not F2). ^Resolving Combat^ To clarify rule 7.74, rally range is the same as recon range (rule 14.2). Neither enemy units nor their ZOC block the rally range. Rule 7.74 seems to contradict rule 14.22 -- the latter is correct. ^Rallying Replacements^ Neither enemy units nor their ZOC block the recon range (rule 14.2). ^Glossary^ Hex S18 is *not* on the Union side of Bull Run. XXX > 2) Designer Richard Hamblen says in the Designer's Notes that there is no > definitive map of the battle area as it existed in 1861. In fact, he says, > the game board may be the most accurate map yet published of the area as it > was then. Comments from any of you ACW buffs? Considering that previous Bull Run games consisted of such dubious efforts as 3W's _Forward_to_Richmond_, that's faint praise indeed. In fact, the visitor center on Henry Hill used to (and perhaps still does) sell reduced-size reproductions of the maps (minus hex grid) found in a rare game called _Manassas_, published by, off all outfits, Iron Crown Enterprises. > Are there any sites on the Net > where I might find a map of the area? You might point your Web browser at... This is an ACW archive that has hyperlinks to maps scanned from National Park Service brochures. Don't remember if Manassas was one of them, though. Finally, to comment on _Bull_Run_ itself, I found that the consensus among people who've played the game is that it's deadly dull. I would agree, based on my single solitaire play-through... though I'd be hard pressed to verbalize exactly what the problem was. Nevertheless, I'm glad I persisted because the outcome of my play-through wasn't decided until *literally* the last die roll on the last turn. ------- Dave Bieksza // "Peace Through Superior Firepower" // ST:TNG, _The_Arsenal_of_Freedom_