David Bolt - 03:26pm May 3, 1998 PST (#107 of 107) Currently playing Lodz 1914 (Lodz: First Blitzkrieg In The East) Joaquin asks several questions in #101. His queries are in parenthesis, my answers are not: "Standard rule 8.23A says units must pay MPs to enter or LEAVE Road Mode. But the Movement Points Cost Summary Chart says it costs nothing to leave Road Mode. The game example at page 28 also says leaving Road Mode is free. Does it cost or not?" The Movement Points Cost Summary Chart is correct, Standard Rule 8.23A is incorrect. Delete the phrase "or leave" from Standard Rule 8.23A (it appears twice). "Exclusive Rule 10.4 says motorized units are forbidden to enter mountain hexes unless in Road or Rail Mode. But if you take a look at the TEC, it happens that Draft, Horse and Cavalry can not either enter mountain hexes (unless they are in Road/Rail Mode, I guess)." You answered the question -- Draft, Horse and Cavalry can only enter mountain hexes when they are in Road or Rail mode. "And more about Mountains: is it possible for Motorized, Draft, Horse, and Cavalry units to deploy in Mountain hexes? (Having entered in Road/Rail Mode)" Yes, they can deploy, but they may not move (nor could they elect to retreat as a result of combat). Best to leave these mobility ratings (M, D, H and C) out of the mountains and leave them to the infantry (or better yet, the mountain infantry units). "And more about mountains: 10.4 says they can not be used for supply unless through rail/road hexes. But, according to 10.1, every HBTLF land hex is supposed to have roads (albeit unpaved ones) in it. So I think rule 10.4 leads to unneccesary confusion." You're right, it is confusing. Supply can only be traced along rail/road hexes through the mountains -- this excludes unpaved roads. You cannot trace supply through the mountains on unpaved roads. "Scenario 4: 1)If German Seventh Army Main Depot is at E:4706, then this army supply status should be Minimum. I guess the depot unit should be placed in a different, double gauge rail hex." You're correct -- it should be placed in hex 4705. "2)If Seventh Army HQ is at E:4408, then the 33 st r div begins the game Out CCR." Seventh Army HQ should be at 4607. "3)If German Second Army HQ begins at E:4715, than the XX and IIR Corps begin out of CCR. I guess it should be at E:4516. You mean the French Second Army HQ. You're correct -- it should be at E:4516. "4)Det a, b, i: do they begin the scenario unsupplied?" No, they are strategic formations, and as such can trace supply to the railheads at E:4510 or E:5910. See Standard Rule 3.12A.