HITLER'S LAST GAMBLE ERRATA March 1, 1990 "...I feel like the errata is certainly necessary for the game, but cannot assure you that all will be remedied by its infusion. The last comprehensive playtest with which I am aware, showed that some additional limitations on the ability to build fortifications are in order (you might institute a house rule adding a turn to the time it takes to build them)... - Danny Parker PHYSICAL GAME COMPONENTS Counters Allied: 14th Armored Cav. Reg. (3-2-8): Set up in 0715 IP. 28/109/2 (1-2-5): Set up in 1130 in IP. 106/424 (3-5-5): Reverse side strength: 2-3-5. 78/311 (3-5-5): Reverse side strength: 2-3-5. 9Arm/811: Set up in hex 1419 in reserve. XII/1135 (0-2-5): Reinforcement Code: 22 AM A-B. V/190 (5-4-5): Reinforcement Code 18 AM N-Q. 75/629 (2-2-6): Armor Rating should be a '3' (M-10) 30/117, 119, 120: Reverse side strength: 2-3-5 5/829 (2-2-6): Designation 9/899 Br. GA/5/1CG (2-2-6): Reverse side strength: 1-1-6. German: 272/982 (2-2-5): Reverse side strength: 3-4-5. 212/423 (4-4-5): Set up in hex 0633. PzLehr/243 (2-3-6) Set up in hex 0824. 246/689 (3-4-5): Reinforcement Code: 19 PM R. 246/404 (3-4-5): Reinforcement Code: 19 PM R. 9PG/10 (4-5-6): Designation: 9Pz/10. 9PG/11 (5-5-6): Designation: 9Pz/11. 27SSBrig. (3-4-6): Reinforcement Code: 28 AM *. 10SS/22 (4-5-6): Reverse side strength: 2-3-6. 6SS/11 (7-8-5): Designation: KG Schreiber is 6SS/12. Note: In all other discrepancies between the orders of appearance and the counters, the counters are correct. Map It is difficult to distinguish between the towns and cities. The towns are a very dark blue whereas the cities are black. Cities are recognized by their relative print size (the names of cities are larger). Cities in the game include Verviers, Lige, Namur, Huy, Dinant, Sedan, Charleville-Mezires. Clarification: The route of the secondary road and its bridge in 1014 is interpreted to pass through 1014 to 1013 and then into 1114. Spelling and punctuation: the following place names are misspelled on the map or lack the correct punctuation: Luxembourg(1333), Bois de Warinsart(3528), Gemnd(0105), Bois de Sre(1931), Malmdy(0511), Neaufchteau(3233), Lige(2901), Salmchteau(1918), Amblve River(2609-2509), Charleville-Mezires(5332), Hertogen Wald(1305), Bur(3725), Hellenthaller Wald(0608), Andenne(4206), Bois de Bailionville(3518) and the word Fort needs a hat in hexes (2536, 3336, 3337, 2937, 4632, 5126 and 3532). GAME RULES Introduction 6.1 Unit types (correction): Contrary to the chart on page 4 the single U.S. Ranger unit (78/2Rng) is a non-motorized unit. However, German commando units (half tan and half gray unit color) are motorized units. Engineer units with movement points of 5 are non-motorized units: those with movement points of 6 are motorized. Note that all units with silhouettes are battalion size unless otherwise noted (U.S. combat commands are brigades for instance). Unfortunately, the silhouettes for the MkV Panther tanks are missing in the listing in 6.1. They are type 2 in the armor type code. The numbers in parentheses after the units with silhouettes are the armor type codes that are important to play of the Advanced Game. See pages 26 and 27 of the rules. The reference to the Games Function Chart at the bottom right of page 4 refers to the Game Replacement Track that was unfortunately left out of the games charts. A facsimile is attached to the errata (this errata does not have this). 6.3 Special Markings: Restricted Allied units are denoted by an x after their reinforcement code. The identity of restricted American and British units are noted on the Allied Setup and Appearance List (p. C-2 to C-4 and endnotes). 7.0 How the Game is Played (clarification): The referred to Order of Appearance and Setup charts are on chart pages C-2 to C-11. 8.0 Sequence of Play (clarification): A useful summary of the sequence of play is on chart page C-17. Basic Rules 1.0 Tracing Supply (clarification): Supply lines may not be traced across unbridged river hexsides. References to tracing supply lines to roads should include roads, highways and secondary roads. Note that tracks, trails and secondary roads all refer to the same terrain feature. 1.0 Divisional Attack Supply: (correction and clarification) Replace entire case: All units that belong to a division (see their designation) must be within four hexes of at least two other friendly units of the same division at the end of the movement phase to be in attack supply. Units not in attack supply have their attack strength halved (rounded up) for that particular turn. However, their defense and movement capabilities are unaffected. Also, no other abilities are restricted by lack of attack supply alone (i.e. combined arms and armor superiority is still possible for such units). Note that German kampfgruppen (KG), Allied armored brigades, combat commands and Allied Task Forces are exempt from this limitation. If there are fewer than three units of a division in play in the game this limitation does not apply. Some units, including engineer and artillery units, are independent and do not have a parent division. In these cases the units need only be within four hexes of any two other friendly units (friendly units can include commander units in the optional rules). The four hexes may traverse any type of terrain, enemy units and ZOCs. This limitation is in addition to the requirement of tracing a supply line. However, unlike regular supply determination, attack supply is determined at the moment of combat. 1.0 Isolated Units (omission): Isolated units may not attack (have attack strength of zero) although they defend at one half their defense strength (rounded up). The movement of isolated units is reduced by one half (rounded up). However, isolated armor units (silhouettes) may not move at all. 1.0 Combined Arms/Armor Superiority (clarification): Armor or panzer unit types (have silhouettes) may not be used to confer the combined arms of armor superiority advantage unless they are in general supply. 1.0 Captured Fuel (clarification): If the German player has already begun rolling on the Fuel Shortage Table and then captures fuel this action has no effect on the requirement that the German player keep rolling on the table, it merely delays the time until the German player must roll twice, three or four time on the table. If German units have already entered the map in an unsupplied state before fuel was captured, they still remain unsupplied according to the instructions on the German Setup and Appearance List for those units. 2.0 Replacements (correction): Rather than reading could not spend three replacements should red could not spend two replacements. 4.1 Limitations on Movement (clarification): All references to the requirement that a road is necessary for a certain unit type to negotiate a terrain type should be assumed to include both tracks (secondary roads or trails and highways. For instance secondary roads nullify the cost of moving across slope hexsides for armored units. Note that tracks, trails and secondary road are all the same terrain feature. 4.1 Limitations on Movement (correction and clarification): Infantry and armored infantry units (including panzergrenadier units) may move across Meuse River hexes in exactly the same way they cross river hexes, if and only if, the hex they cross from contains a friendly engineer unit. Units may not move through hexes in violation of stacking limitations. 4.1 Special Terrain Considerations (correction): The second sentence should read Armored units may only cross slope hexsides to move into woods or forest hexes if done so by moving along a highway, road or secondary road;... Also note that the Strumpanzer IV unit, a armor type 9 unit, may cross rivers at fords. 4.2 Zones of Control (clarification): ZOCs do extend across bridged or forded Meuse River hexsides. 4.2 Which Units Have ZOCs (correction): Second and third sentences should read... All armored or engineer regiments and brigades (combat commands included) and infantry and armored infantry battalions of full or reduced strength have provisional ZOCs. The remainder of the units in the game do not have ZOCs: all artillery, anti-aircraft, rocket, battalion sized armor or panzer units, battalion sized engineer units, commandos, fuel dumps and commander units. 4.2 Provisional Zones of Control (correction): Replace entire paragraph: Full or reduced strength battalion-sized infantry or armored infantry units, brigade or regiment sized engineer units, armored regiments or brigades (combat commands include) and armored kampfgruppen or task forces have provisional zones of control. Provisional ZOCs do not extend into forest hexes except along roads. Note that on the German December 16 PM turn, Allied ZOCs do not extend into forest hexes for any type of unit (Special Rule 1.7) reduced strength infantry battalions do have provisional ZOCs. Note that the following units do have provisional ZOCs: German: von der Heydte, 7A/999, 7A/44 [all 1-1-5s] and 5PzA/669 Ost (0-1-5); Allied: XVIII/551, XVIII/509, 1 Army/526 [all 1-1-5s] and 78/2 Rgr [2-2-5]. 4.3 Entering Strategic Movement (clarification): Fraction of a non-motorized units movement allowance is rounded up to enter Strategic Movement. Motorized units pay no penalty to enter as a reinforcement in strategic movement. Units may enter strategic movement if they begin their turn on secondary road (track) hexes. Units that have fatigued markers placed due to a forced march on a PM turn (Optional Rule 14.0) may not enter strategic movement on the following AM turn. 4.3 Advantages to Units in Strategic Movement (correction): The third sentence should read. However, like other units, Allied infantry units must expend three movement points to enter strategic movement. 4.3 Limitations on Units in Strategic Movement (clarification): Requirements that units enter and use strategic movement on highways or roads should be interpreted to include secondary roads (tracks). Also, note that important rule for the purposes of strategic movement are contained within rules section 4.8 covering Stacking Limitations. Note that units cannot enter strategic movement if they are at any time stacked with another friendly unit in a turn. Units in strategic movement may never move over other friendly units. 4.3 Reinforcements and Strategic Movement (clarification): Third sentence: All non-motorized units pay one half their movement points (rounded up) to enter strategic movement on the turn that they enter the map as a reinforcement if they desire to enter in this fashion. 4.3 Leaving Strategic Movement (clarification): Units that are attacked by air, but then have the effect of the air attack negated by and enemy air mission are not required to come out of strategic movement. 4.4 Road an Highway Movement (clarification): Panzergenadier and armored infantry units count as motorized units for the purpose of road or highway movement. 4.5 Reinforcements (clarification): References to the Order of Appearance Card actually refer to the Order of Appearance Lists on chart pages C-3 to C-9. 4.5 When Reinforcements Enter (correction): The last sentence of the case should read: Non- motorized units entering in this fashion must first expend half their movement points (rounded up) to enter in this fashion. 4.5 Withholding Reinforcements and Blocked Entry (clarification): If entry hexes are blocked, reinforcements must enter at the next unblocked entry hex that is not adjacent to an enemy unit. The second sentence should read Reinforcement hexes are only blocked by physical occupation (not ZOCs) or if German units have exited the map from those road hexes. 4.5 Movement Costs of Exit (clarification): Last sentence: Exit hexes may only be road, secondary road (track) or highway hexes. 4.5 Allied Units Held Off (clarification): If the Allied player has no units to hold off in the current turn, then he or she must hold off units in the order of their projected appearance to satisfy the described conditions. 4.5 Withdrawing Units (omission): Certain units on the appearance lists are to be withdrawn from play later in the game. Units to be withdrawn are simply removed from the map although they are not assumed to have been destroyed unless lost through combat or surrender. They are not eligible to be replaced or in any way returned to play. There is no penalty if units to be withdrawn have already been destroyed. The Allied player withdraws units on the 26 PM turn; the German player withdraws units on the 27 PM turn. See the reinforcements list for unit identities. 4.6 Effects of Exited Units (correction): German units may not be exited off the map at roads Q-O inclusive or A-E inclusive. They may be exited according to the established procedures at road exit hexes F-N. The barrage strength of exited German artillery units do not count against the attack strength of Allied units that may not be brought onto the map. 4.8 Stacking Limitations (clarification): Unless otherwise noted, silhouetted units with no size designation are considered battalions in size. 4.8 Road, Highway and Strategic Movement (clarification): Armored or panzer units may not move through armored infantry or panzer grenadier units at the road movement rate. However, armored infantry units may move through armored or panzer units or armored infantry units at the road movement rate. 4.9 March Movement (clarification): First sentence should read Any non-armor or non-panzer unit... 6.0 Combat (clarification): Any single unit may only make one attack in a single combat phase. Also, note that any single enemy unit may not be attacked more than once in a single combat phase. Note, however, that there are two combat phases in each individual payer turn: the regular combat phase and another occurring at the end of exploitation movement. 6.2 City and Westwall hexes (clarification): Only german units receive combat odds shifts from Westwall hexes. 6.2 River and Slope Hexsides (correction): Only armored (silhouette) units are halved when attacking up slope hexsides. All units are halved when attacking across river hexsides. There is no additional effect for attacks across hexsides with more than one slope contour. 6.3 Modification of Attack and Defense Strength (correction): A) under case 4) should read: Defense strength is doubled for all units defending in cities or Westwall _hexes. C) under case 4) should read: Defense strength of armored unit defending in clear hexes is doubled unless attacked by other armored units which can claim armor superiority. Isolated, fatigued or disorganized units may not attack. 6.3 Explanation and Application of Combat Results (omission): All units surviving a AE or DE result must retreat two hexes or take two additional step losses. Also note that units retreating after an AE result are disorganized as well. 6.3 Explanation and Application of Combat Results (clarification): The first sentence under Firefight (FF), should read: It is mandatory for one defending unit to take a step loss; then the attacker must also take a step loss. 6.4 Retreat after combat (omission): 2nd sentence should read: Defending units must retreat on all D results unless they occupy town, city, village, Westwall or improved position hexes. Also, note that if easterly (German) or westerly (Allied) retreat routes are blocked by enemy units or their zones of control or other hexes though which a friendly unit may not retreat, such units may retreat north or south (hex 0550 or 0552 in the illustration) rather than take step losses. The priority is still for an eastern or western retreat. However, this means that if 0550 was the only retreat route for an Allied unit that it would have to continue its retreat to 0449 in a two hex retreat unless 0449 was blocked. 6.5 Advance After Combat (clarification): Retreated enemy units are retreated their entire distance in hexes before the attacking player exercises his advance in a battle. In such a case, however, the advancing units are subject to the effects of the ZOC from the retreated unit(s). Also note that units may not advance through any terrain that they would be forbidden to move through during the movement phase. For instance, this means that armored units may not advance across slope hexsides into woods or forest hexes except along a road or highway. 6.5 Length of Advance (correction): Engineer units may not advance after combat. 6.5 Terrain Effects on Advance (clarification): Note that units may attack across terrain hexsides that they are prohibited from advancing across. 6.5 Zone of Control Effects on Advance and Stacking (correction): The second sentence should read: Friendly units may not stack during advance after combat (Exception: German Kampfgruppen or Allied Task Forces in the Advanced Game are treated as a single unit for the purposes of this rule). 6.6 Coordinated Attacks and Coordinated Defense (clarification): Battalion sized units count as one half of a regiment or brigade for the purposes of possessing a coordinated attack or defense (four battalions of the same division or two battalions and a regiment or brigade would be necessary to claim a coordinated attack or defense in a battle). 6.6 Coordinated Attacks (clarification): At least two units of the same division must be attacking to claim the coordinated attack bonus. 6.7 Armor Superiority (clarification): The reference to fatigued units refers to Optional Rule 14.0 Forced March and Unit Fatigue. Armor superiority can still be claimed if the claiming friendly armor unit is out of attack supply, but may not be claimed if out of general supply. 6.7 Armor Superiority Terrain Considerations (clarification): Armored unit attacking across bridged river hexsides can claim armor superiority. 6.7 German Tiger Tanks (correction): The Tiger units have German armor identification numbers of 3 or 6. Note that the Tiger tank advantage may not be claimed in situations where armor superiority cannot be obtained (ex. attacking across rivers, up slopes or when unsupplied). 6.8 Barrage Attacks (correction): Barrage attacks against enemy units may not be performed unless at least one friendly unit is adjacent to the unit being fired upon. However, this restriction does not apply to Allied artillery units on clear weather AM turns. Barrage attacks against enemy units may not be performed unless the minimum odds ratio on the combat results table can be achieved by the barraging artillery units. A combat result of FF has no effect when artillery units are barraging other enemy artillery units. 6.8 Special German Artillery Restriction (correction): German artillery units with a movement of zero may not move one hex per turn per rule 4.1. To move they must instead flip over to their reverse side strength. Once this is done they may not flip back over to full strength for the rest of the game unless they return to their original starting setup hex. They remain at their reduced side strength unless they remain in their original hex. 6.8 Other Artillery Restrictions (clarification): Artillery units may only fire once in an individual players turn (attack support, barrage attacks or bridge interdiction fire). Also friendly artillery units may only fire once for defensive support during the enemy players combat phase. However, note that artillery units firing in the friendly players combat phase may still fire defensive fire support during the enemy players combat phase during the same turn. German artillery units may not combine strengths with other friendly artillery units to support friendly defending units. Artillery units that are halved when firing have their barrage strength rounded up. 7.0 Exploitation Reserves (clarification): Exploitation reserves cannot be committed to engaged attacks that occur at the end of the exploitation phase. They may only be committed to engaged attacks in the standard combat phase. 7.0 Reserve Combat (omission): 7) A single unit may not be attacked more than once during the reserve combat phase. They may be attacked both in the standard and reserve combat phases, however. 8.0 Bridge Destruction (clarification): Players may attempt to destroy bridges at the moment that the enemy player attempts to cross each individual bridge whether in their opponents player turn or their turn. Destruction can also be attempted for enemy units attempting to cross bridges in advance after combat. Engineer units may also attempt to blow bridges during the engineer phase of their own turn or when the enemy player attempts to cross a bridge during the enemy reaction phase. However, each engineer unit may attempt to blow only one bridge in any given player turn. This limitation also applies to other non-engineer units attempting to blow bridges. Blown bridges across the Meuse River at the beginning of the 16 December scenarios are: 533-534; 831-932; 1029-1130; 1227-1228; 1226-1327 and 1325-1425. 8.1 Bridge Demolition Restrictions (correction): The second sentence should read The Allied Player may not attempt to destroy bridges before the 17PM turn in the game. 8.2 Bridge Limitation (correction): The Allied player may construct any number of bridges, substituting alternate markers if all constructed bridge markers are in use. Engineer units may build bridges across the Meuse River in the same way in which they build bridges across rivers (expending full movement points). 8.3 Improved Positions (correction): Engineer units may not move and create an improved position in a single turn; they may do one operation or the other. Engineer units may construct improved positions on PM turns even when adjacent to enemy units so long as the engineer units were not attacked in the previous opponent players turn. Non-engineer units may never create improved positions when adjacent to enemy units. The second sentence should read A unit building an IP must not have moved or engaged in combat during the current play turn. Improved positions may not be constructed on any hex along the map edges. 9.1 Surprise (clarification): The +2 and +1 German attack surprise combat odds shifts do not extend to artillery barrage attacks made against Allied artillery units. 9.2 Restricted Allied Movement and Combat (correction): Second sentence: On the 16 AM turn, only Allied units that were attacked by the German player, or had German units move adjacent to them, or had German units move while adjacent to them are eligible to move or attack German units. Fourth sentence: On the 16 PM turn, only Allied units that were attacked in the 16 AM or PM turns or had German units move adjacent to them or move while adjacent to them may move or attack, although they move their full movement allowance. 9.5 German Traffic Jams (correction): The last sentence should read: However, this restriction does not apply to the two units of KG Peiper on the 16 PM turn. On this turn, unlike other German units, KG Peiper pay the normal un-doubled road and highway movement costs. Also, note that if Optional Rule 16.0, Road Space is used, the German road movement restrictions outlined in 9.5 are not used. 9.7 German Night Infiltration (clarification): The last sentence should read: Therefore, on the December 16 PM turn Allied ZOCs do not extend into forest hexes except along roads. This means, in essence, that all Allied units which exert ZOCs, exert provisional ZOCs on the 16 PM turn. 9.8 Kampfgruppe Peiper (omission): The first turn in which the KG Peiper unit attacks as a kampfgruppe (both units in the same hex), the German combat odds for that one battle is shifted one to the right (a 3-1 becomes a 4-1 etc.). This special one time, one battle combat odds shift, must be used only in the first attack of KG Peiper and is not available during the rest of the game. 9.9 German Supply (clarification): Note that benefit only applies to general supply not to attack supply which can adversely affect German units who do not meet the requirements described in Rule 1.0. 10.0 How to Win (correction): The accumulated German armored replacements for the Last Blitzkrieg scenario should be 3 rather than 5. 10.0 Draw (correction): The German player can draw the game if at the end of the game he or she maintains at least one friendly unit in Bastogne, St. Vith and Marche, or at least one unit in two of the three towns and at least one supplied unit within three hexes of a Meuse River hexside north of hex 5022. The Advanced Game Rules 1.2 Allied Air Supply (clarification): Once a hex or hexes of Allied units is resupplied by air the count of consecutive isolated turns until they have to start rolling on the Surrender Table (Advanced Rule 4.0) is set back to zero. Allied Air Supply is executed prior to the German supply determination phase on AM turns when the C-47 unit is available. The German player may use up to one aircraft unit to abort the resupply attempt if an aircraft unit is available to him. He simply places a German aircraft unit on the C-47 unit after it is placed and announces that the resupply attempt has been thwarted. Note, however, that the Allied player can make this tactic impossible by first placing an available Allied fighter unit on escort to the C-47 unit when first placing it on the map. 2.0 Tactical Air Power (correction): Contrary to rules 2.0 and 2.5 the German Ju-88 unit may execute attack support missions on PM turns although one is added to the attack support attempt die roll. A die roll of seven has the same effect as a die roll of six. 2.2 Ground Defense Missions (correction): Ground defense missions are only available to assist friendly units being attacked in city town or village hexes. 2.3 Air interdiction (clarification): German air units available on PM turns may not be used for air interdiction attacks. They may only be used for air attacks (2.4). 2.3 Air Interdiction (clarification): Interdiction markers are removed in the engineer phase at the end of the AM turn. 2.4 Air Attack (omission): A German air unit making an air attack on a PM turn (the Ju-88 unit) has one subtracted from its die roll. German units making air attacks on AM turns still have two added to their die roll. 2.4 Air Attack (correction): Unlike units disorganized by combat (Basic Rule 6.3) disorganized markers from air attack are always removed at the beginning of the owning players following turn. For example, disorganized markers placed on German units on the 17 AM turn would be removed prior to supply determination on the 17 PM turn. It is recommended that the colored disorganized markers be used for units disorganized from combat results and the white ones for disorganization from air attack to help keep track of this difference. 2.5 Bombers (clarification): Bombers may perform air attacks only vs. defenders in towns or cities not adjacent to friendly units. Bomber units may only attempt interdiction vs. roads in towns. 2.6 Non-battlefield interception of German aircraft (omission): The German Me-262 jet aircraft unit (KG/51) may not be intercepted by Allied aircraft placed on interception missions. 2.8 Procedure for Tactical Air Power Rules (clarification): Allied Aircraft Non-battlefield interdiction, German and Allied Air Resupply, interdiction and Air Attacks are completed each turn prior to the beginning of the German Supply Determination Phase. 3.2 Operation Stsser (correction): The third sentence should read: Also, it may not be dropped within two hexes of any Allied fuel dump or map edge hexes. Also, note that the von der Heydte unit has the following limitations: a) It is not eligible to confer the German tactical victory through occupation of Lige or Namur hexes. b) When at reduced strength (0-1-3) the von der Heydte unit does not affect Allied strategic movement. This means that Allied units in strategic movement may move freely around the German unit, but may not move adjacent to or over the unit. c) The von der Heydte unit may not be replaced to bring it to full strength or back on the map after elimination. d) The von der Heydte unit may not be used to capture Allied fuel dumps, but may be used to search for them. e) A die roll of zero for the survival of the von der Heydte can only be rolled if the German player is using variant 10 Better German Logistical Preparations. 5.0 Terrain Effects of Armor Operations (correction) : Case 2) ...However, note that armored units attacking into forest or city hexes are always halved unless the armored units attack along a road or highway. Armored units attacking into a forest hex or city along secondary roads (tracks) are halved. Armored units attacking up slope hexsides or into Westwall hexes are always halved in their attack strength. Note, however, that armored units cannot be halved more than once due to terrain considerations. It is important to play balance in the advanced game to pay close attention to combat when armor is halved in the attack due to terrain considerations. Also, note that the ZOCs of armored or panzer units (that have them) do extend into forest hexes along secondary roads (tracks). 9.1 Secret Location of Fuel Dumps (clarification): Second sentence of second paragraph: They are located on or within two hexes of 1811 or 1910 on a road or secondary road. It is permissible for the dump on 1910 to be located in Spa. 9.2 Fuel Dump Capture (clarification): If a fuel dump is captured after the German player begins rolling on the Fuel Shortage Table, the German player must still continue rolling on the shortage table as before. However, the time until he or she must roll more than once on the table in extended by the number of fuel points captured. The German parachute unit (von der Heydte) may not be used to attempt to capture Allied fuel dumps. 9.3 Allied Fuel Dump Destruction (clarification): within one hex means one intervening hex between the unit and the fuel dump. Also note that the first column of the Fuel Dump Demolition Table should be labeled 16 AM - 16 PM. 9.4 Fuel Dump Evacuation (correction): Fuel depots #2 and #3 may not be evacuated at the end of the 19 AM turn if, and only if, they are surrounded by enemy units or their zones of control. They are then evacuated when the German player no longer surrounds either dump. In such a situation, the German player may attempt their capture until they are evacuated. 9.7 Effect of Dump Capture or Destruction (clarification): Third sentence should read: These effects do not extend to British units. Second to last sentence ...movement rate for U.S. Infantry and engineer units is only tripled... 10.1 Operation Sptlese (clarification): The requirement that an SS unit be within five hexes of a Meuse hexside requires that the five hex distance be counted from the SS unit (exclusive) to another hex containing a Meuse River hexside. 11.0 Combined Arms/Armor Superiority (clarification): U.S. armored combat commands are U.S. armor silhouette units with the designation CCA, CCB or CCR. The result of ** indicates that the player possessing Armor Superiority found on the appropriate table is awarded the +1 or -1 die roll modifier. 12.0 German Kampfgruppen and Allied Task Forces (clarification): Infantry regiments with KG or TF markings may be mated with an armored unit like panzergrenadiers (12.4), but the resulting kampfgruppe or task force move at the slower movement rate of the two and is subject to the terrain restrictions that may affect the armored portion of the unit. 13.0 Attack Coordination (correction): The entirety of Case 4) German Surprise is an unintended carry over from the Japanese version of the game and should be deleted from the rules. 15.0 (New Case) Commanders: A number of players have indicated that the optional rule for commanders is too complex and increases play time beyond reasonable limits. Several have requested a more simple rule that could be included in the body of the Advanced Rules section. Such a rule is detailed below. We leave the optional version of the rule for the die-hard realism fanatics: 15.0 Commanders There are 23 optional commander units included in the game that represent the various army and corps leader and their staffs. The commander units can assist both offensive and defensive combat. 15.1 Army Commanders 15.11 Movement Commander units move identically to other friendly motorized units with the following exceptions: 1) They always pay the road or highway movement rate when moving along roads or highways even when moving adjacent to or over other friendly units. Note that friendly units moving on roads or highways over commander units do not have to pay any additional cost. 2) They may enter strategic movement without any cost in movement points. They are still subject to all the limitations involved in strategic movement. 15.12 Command Range The command range of army commanders in hexes is three times their movement points. It is reduced to twice their movement allowance if they move voluntarily (includes advance after combat) or are forced to retreat in a turn. To keep track of this facet, commanders that do not move in a turn should be oriented to face east-west; those that do move should be oriented north-south. 14.13 Chain of Command Corps commanders units must be within the range of a friendly army commander unit for the corps commander units to provide useful functions. Any friendly units that attack must be within range of a friendly army or corps commander; all friendly units that attack in various battles must be within the range of commander units (this includes artillery units). There is no limit to the number of attacks that an individual army or corps commander may initiate. Friendly units may defend regardless of whether they are within range of a friendly commander unit. 15.14 Augmentation of Attack or Defense The Attack or defense option points of army commander units may be used to increase friendly combat strength of any single hex of friendly units within the army commanders range. Note, however, that added attack or defense strength points may not be in excess of the unmodified combat strength of the hex of units receiving the benefit. No more than one commander unit may add attack or defense strength points to any single hex of friendly combat units. However, a single commander unit may divide his attack or defense strength points up among various battles to the limit of what is available. Such added command strength points are not modified by terrain conditions in either attack or defense. Friendly unsupplied units may be assisted in such a fashion although isolated friendly unit may not receive command strength points. 15.15 Von Manteuffel and Patton The German Fifth Panzer Army commander, von Manteuffel and the U.S. Third Army commander, Patton, have a further command capability. They may provide an additional movement point to all units of a single division if they begin their turn in the same hex as at least one unit of the division receiving the benefit. Independent, non-divisional units may not receive this bonus. The effect lasts for a single turn. However, the two army commanders can exercise this ability each turn if they choose, but no more than a single division may receive the bonus in a single turn. 15.2 Corps Commanders Corps commanders may augment combat in a fashion identical to the army commanders. However, corps commanders must be within range of a friendly army commander in order to provide these benefits. The maximum hex range of corps commanders is twice times their movement points. It is reduced to equal to their movement allowance if they move or are forced to retreat as a result of combat. 15.3 Procedure Prior to each battle, both players announce which if any of his or her army or corps commanders will be supporting a battle. The attacking player first announces whether an eligible commander will be used in the engagement, then the defending player must also announce his or her intentions to use a commander unit. Combat strength points are then tallied in a conventional fashion, odds computed and combat resolved. 15.4 Other functions When commander units are used, friendly units must be within range of a friendly commander unit in order to be designated as a reserve. Both coordinated attacks and coordinated defense may only be claimed if within the range of a friendly commander unit. When Optional Rule 14.0 is used, units executing a forced march must begin their turn within the range of a friendly commander unit. 15.5 Elimination Commander units can be eliminated in combat under certain conditions. If they are alone in a hex and attacked they defend with an unmodified combat strength on one. They are eliminated just as any other combat unit. They do not have step losses and are eliminated in such a case if called on to take a step loss. When commander units are stacked with other friendly units that have been attacked, the die is rolled if the result is an FF or D result. A die roll of 6 and the commander unit is assumed to be eliminated. The same is done when the attacking units with a commander unit present receives a FF or A result. Commander units that are eliminated return at their reverse side strength on the following owning players turn on the East edge of the map for the German player and the West edge of the map for the Allied player. This represents the appointment of a replacement commander. Eliminated replacement commanders are taken out of the game. 15.6 Combat Commander units may not attack. If stacked with other friendly units and attacked, commander units must allocate their defensive support points to that hex of friendly units. If defending alone, commander units defend at a defense strength of one. 15.7 Command Restrictions The British commander unit (Horrocks) may only assist British units and British units may only be assisted by Horrocks; the Sixth Panzer Army commanders (Dietrich, Priess and Bittrich) may not assist non-SS panzer or panzergrenadier divisions; SS panzer or panzergrenadier divisions may only be assisted by these three commanders. 15.8 Effect of Allied Air Superiority On clear weather AM turns the movement allowance of all German commander units is halved (rounded up). Note that this also reduces their command range accordingly. Like other German units, commanders are subject to air attack. german commanders disorganized by Allied air attack may not perform any functions while in a disorganized state. The German player may not perform air attacks on Allied commander units. Optional Rules 1.0 Fog of War (clarification): 2) Both players should keep their Order of Appearance Lists out of direct view of their opponent. 3.1 Operation Greif (clarification): The German commando units can move with a friendly motorized unit without effecting the friendly units ability to use the read movement rate. 3.2 Traffic Misdirection (clarification): The German player may move the affected Allied unit up to three hexes from whence the Allied unit came. Commando units may also attempt traffic misdirection of secondary road (track) hexes. 3.4 Sabotage Operations (clarification): within one hex means within one intervening hex of the bridge hexside. 3.6 Limitations (clarification): The German commando units may not be used to capture or search for hidden Allied fuel. 4.11 and 4.21 Commanders (correction): The range of army commanders in hexes is reduced to a maximum of three times their movement points; the range is twice their movement points if they move either volumtarily or as a result of combat in the players turn being completed. The range of corps commanders is reduced to a maximum of twice their movement points; the range is equal to their movement points if they move either volumtarily or as a result of combat in the players turn being completed. 4.6 Commanders (last sentence): if defending alone, commander units do not have a defensive strength and are attacked at maximum odds regardless of the attackers attack strength points. Note, however, that lone commander units attacked by barraging enemy artillery units defend with their defense option points as defence strength points. Also note that rule sections 4.4 and 4.5 are not missing; rules numbering unintentionally skipped from 4.3 to 4.6. 5.0 Roadblocks (omission): in addition to the road blocks listed that begin on the map on the 16 December scenarios another road block should be placed in hex 1425 to represent the felled trees and minefield on the Marnach road. Note that roadblocks can be removed by units in their advance after combat although their advance must arbitrarily end in the hex formerly containing the road block. Artillery, rocket artillery, commando or commander units may not be used to remove road blocks. Roadblocks are created in the friendly engineer phase and may not be created during the opponents turn. The Allied play may not create roadblocks before the 17 PM turn. 6.0 German Heavy Tiger Battalions (correction): 3) 614th Panzerjger Company arrives at Y on the 17 AM turn on a roll of 1-2; on a roll of 3-6 it does not arrive at all. This note on the Turn Record Track is incorrect. 14.0 Forced March and Unit Fatigue (clarification and correction): This optional rule should only be used in conjunction with Optional Rule 16.0, Road Space. Units with fatigued markers are halved in attack strength on the AM turn following a forced march; their defense strength is unaffected. They may not attack at all in the turn in which they remain immobile to remove the fatigue marker; their defense in this turn is unaffected. Also, units that force march may not use march movement in the same movement phase (Standard Rule 4.9). German units executing night infiltration (Standard Rule 9.7 and 3) of Advanced Rule 6.0) may not use the forced march rule in the same movement phase. Note, however, that the German KG Peiper unit may force march on the 16 PM turn when this unit may ignore enemy zones of control and is exempt from rules governing traffic jams and road space requirements. Engineer units may not be force marched. 15.0 Elite Troop Tenacity (clarification): Attack: Next to the last sentence should read: THis option can be exercised only once per turn for any particular battle. 16.0 Road Space (omission): When this rule is used, Special Rule 9.5 German Traffic Jams is not in force. Also, note that the two units of KG Peiper are not subject to the limitations of this rule during their movement on the 16 PM turn. GAME CHARTS AND TABLES Allied Order of Appearance Track Chart on C-4, bottom right, should indicate that British units can only be released if 60 Allied units have been destroyed according to Rule 4.7. Terrain Effects Chart On p. C-12 references in the rules, map and TEC to trails, tracks and secondary roads all refer to the same terrain feature. The highway movement rates for regular movement were inadvertently left off the TEC. The movement rates are identical to those for strategic movement. Note 5, Meuse River hexes: Units may only cross Meuse River hexsides over a bridge with a road, secondary road or highway or across a ford hexside. However, infantry and armored infantry units (including panzergrenadier units) may move across Meuse River hexes in exactly the same way they cross river hexes, if and only if, the hex they cross from contains a friendly engineer unit. Engineer units may build bridges across the Meuse River in the same way in which they build bridges across rivers. Replacement Tracks Unfortunately, the accumulated replacements tracks mentioned within the rules 92.0 were not produced in the game. A substitute replacement track is attached to this errata (this copy does not have the track). German Set up and Appearance List 20 AM 11th Panzer Division (See important note ##) should read (See note **) Operation Nordwind (p. C-7): Second and third sentences should read: This occurs in Game Variant #8. Also, players may mutually decide before the game begins to let the German Player bring on the 257th Volksgrenadier Division on the 17 AM turn with the proviso that the 11th Panzer Division will not be available later. Combat Results Table On p. C-14: Results: The second combat result should be a D2 A1, A2X, AE: Note that the retreat of attacking units causes them to be disorganized. Defense strength is doubled if: 3) Units defending in Westwall hexes. Air Attack Table The right most column should also include German units defending in Westwall hexes. Game variants German Variant 4: Second sentence should begin (Example: The 2SS Panzer Division arrives on the 18 AM turn regardless whether Malmedy or Spa has been captured ... German Variant 8: When this variant is used, the German player is not eligible to receive the 11th Panzer Division. Also, the list of units given in the variant is incomplete. Refer to the listing on the right hand side of Chart C-7. Play Hints Players will find it convenient to copy the tables on page 26 and 27 for ease of use during play. Exploitation vs. Combat Reserves can be designated by using the white reserve counters for friendly combat reserves and the colored ones for exploitation reserves (Basic Rules 3.0). When using Optional Rule 4.0, Commanders, participating player can agree to mutually decide their attack or defense option for a particular battle in secret, only revealing their intention after the attacking player has chosen the friendly units which will be involved in the attack. The Historical Study The described attacks in The Game as History are correct, but the various numerical odds, terrain and results are incorrect. A proper listing of the attacks and their odds are given below: Table 1. Listing of the Initial German Attacks and Their Odds Attack Attacking Defending Terrain Final Odds No Units Units Type & Die Mod. 1) 272/980, 78/310, Rough 3-1(+1) 981 & 982 709 Tnk, 893 TD 2) 326/752 102 Arm Cav. Woods 2-1(+1) 3) 326/753, 99/395/3 Woods 4-1 405VAK, 7VW 4) 277/989 & 990, 99/393 Forest 3-1 9VW, 402VAK 5) 12/27 & 48, 99/394 Forest 3-1 4VW 6) 3FJ/9, 388VAK, 14 Cav Rough 6-1(-1) 244 StuG, 18/294 & 295 7) 18/293, 6VW 106/423 Woods 3-1 8) 2/183 & 190, 106/424 Woods 4-1 401VAK, 116Pz/60 9) 560/1130, 7VW, 28/112 Woods 3-1 116Pz/156 10) 2Pz/304, 1/110 Woods 4-1 766VAK 11) 26/77 & 78 3/110, 707 Tnk Forest 3-1(+1) 15VW 12) 5FJ/15, 18VW 2/109 Rough 4-1 13) 352/916 & 915 3/109 Woods 3-1 406VAK 14) 276/986 & 988 9/CCA Woods 1-1(+1) 15) 212/423, 8VW 4/12 Woods 3-1 408VAK