tony doran - 08:45am Sep 21, 1998 PST (#94 of 96) If you run, you'll only die tired Scott: I downloaded the info from Grognards. Thanks for getting it posted there. One thing... The last item on the PTO errata lists some changes to the Allied Player Aid Card. I can't make hide nor hair of what goes into which column. Could you clarify that for me? Thanks. scott demonte - 11:27am Sep 21, 1998 PST (#95 of 96) Tony, Sure thing...when I get home tonight I'll give you the information. I know it is not that many changes. Yep...trouble in the West...should I just delay them forever (which does have some advantages) or clear them off the continent..and can I do this and while not allowing the Russian bear to grow claws again. Scott scott demonte - 08:07pm Sep 21, 1998 PST (#96 of 96) Tony, changes on Allies Player card are: (Change: US Order of Battle) 1943 2-3/3 naval air 7 (Change: United Kingdom Order of Battle) 1942 6-3 Indian infantry 2 (Change: United Kingdom Order of Battle) 1943 6-3 Indian infantry 3 (Change: United Kingdom Order of Battle) 1944 8-3 Indian infantry 2 (Change: Australia Order of Battle) 1943 6-3 infantry (delete entire line) (Change: Australia Order of Battle) 1942 8-3 infantry 2 (Change: Australia Order of Battle) 1943 8-3 infantry 1 Think thats everything... Scott