From Moves 21 Starforce Errata In early editions of StarForce, certain values in this Scenario were in error. These are corrected below. [38.0] The Rescue Mission: A solitaire game General Rule: Players have twelve StarForces available to lift off 60 Population Points (each Population Point represents a third of a million humans). A combined set of two decimal randomisers is used to simulate the uncertain time of the nova. The actual star in question is determined randomly at the start of the game. Players win the situation by getting all the population safely off the planet. [38.1] Determining the Location of the Endangered System Pick a chit from the Stellar Randomiser and read the top two- digit number. Read that number as one of the hexes in the '2000' column of hexagons (the same column that Sol and 70 Ophiuchi are in). If the bottom number of the chit is positive trace a clockwise orbit around Sol maintaining a constant hex distance from it (this will describe a large hexagonal circle just like the rings of Zulu Limits printed on the map). If the bottom number is negative, trace the orbit counter-clockwise. The first tertiary star system that the orbit traces through (in a two- dimensional sense) is the endangered system. If there is no tertiary system in that orbit, pick another chit. [38.2] Initial StarForce Deployment Four StarForces at 2022/0 (Sol), two StarForces at 2336/+17 (Sigma Draconis), four StarForces at the endangered system, and two StarForces at the (undestroyed) tertiary system nearest to the endangered star (in true distance). If two stars are equally near, use the one which is nearest to Sol. All StarForces are empty. All systems have StarGates except the endangered star and those destroyed in the First Incursion (see 31.62). [38.5] Victory Levels Victory is measured in terms of how many Population Points are saved (each equalling one Victory Point; a perfect score of 60 Victory Points is a Decisive Victory over the situation; a score of 50 to 59 is a Substantive Victory; 40 to 49 is a Marginal Victory. Less than 40 Points is a defeat. If a StarForce is lost in the rescue attempt (either by Overshift results or being incinerated) subtract three points from the score. Don't forget to counts as lost any Population Points on destroyed StarForces at the time of destruction.