Paul Smith Hank Meyer 29 November 1996 KC REVISED ERRATA FOR SPI'S WAR IN EUROPE, Revision 2, June 1984 EXCLUSIVE RULES FOR WAR IN EUROPE BOOKLET [71.4] (Clarification) The actions of the Soviet Union affect the Political Point Total just as if the Soviet Union were the Allied Player. Note that the Winter War does not affect the Political Point Total, but a subsequent Soviet attack on a neutral Finland does. [71.4] (Change) 64123 to G4123 [72.1] (Clarification) By an Axis attack on Finland in its armed neutral status, the Political Point Change is a negative eight points - 3 for Finland and 5 for the Soviet Union - because such an attack causes Total War with the Soviet Union. [72.1] (Change) Delete the last sentence, second paragraph of Case 72.1. [72.1] & [72.45] (Change) See Case 54.2 (Finnish Restrictions, WAR IN EUROPE, are changed to match Case 54.2, WAR IN THE EAST). [72.41] (Correction) Finnish units are deployed as follows: two in Helsinki, one each in G3204, G3403, and G3601. [72.44] (Change) Supply Centers: any hex of Finland which can trace a line of communications from Helsinki. [73.0] (Clarification) In a two-Player Game, control of any country never may go to a country allied with the Invader. [73.1] (Change) If Norway is attacked ... ... by the Allies, control falls to the Axis. If Yugoslavia is attacked ... ... by the Allies, control falls to the Axis. ... by the Soviets, control falls to the Axis. [73.11] (Addition) Should either the Soviets or the Axis invade Turkey prior to war between the Soviets and the Axis, Turkey is to be partitioned along a line from J3002 to J3015. This line is the farthest that a German unit may be following partition. Turkey Surrenders when there are no Turkish units on one side (either side) of this line AND Ankara is Enemy Occupied. There is no Political Point Cost for the second Player's invading Turkey. Partition occurs on the Game-Turn following Turkish Surrender. Any units on the wrong side of the Partition Line two turns after partitioning are eliminated. [73.23] (Addition) Rumanian units may not go north of hex-row H0001. [73.27] (Addition) These units add to the standing Army in Rumania. Units released for use outside of Rumania are defined by the WAR IN THE EAST Game/Cycle Record Track. [73.31] (Correction) 2 x 2-10 should be 2 x 1-10. [73.33] (Change) See Case 53.34. [73.37] (Addition) See Case 32.36. [73.38] (Addition) See Case 53.38. [73.4] (Clarification) Although the German Player can draw Supply through Sweden, he may not transit (via land, sea, or air) combat units or Replacement Points, or base Air Points in Sweden. [73.5] (Addition) Units and divisions may not be deployed in Enemy Zones of Control or Enemy Occupied hexes. [73.51] (Addition) Yugoslavian units, divisions, and Cadre can stack, pass through, or be passed through by Allied or Soviet units (effectively not associated, but allied with both). At the start of every Game Turn, the Soviet Player decides if the Yugoslavian units and divisions move and attack on the Soviet or Allied Player Turn. Yugoslavians may move and attack only once per Player Turn. [74.12] (Correction) Add 1 x 1-3 to Kiev District (three total). [74.13] (Change) Add 1 x 10-1-10 to the Kharkov District; delete 1 x 10-1-10 from Siberia. [74.21] (Change) The Soviet player must meet his new deployment requirements by 0/5/41. [74.22] (Addition) Polish Front (Occupied Poland to Partition Line) 19 x 1-4, 3 x 1-3, 13 x 2-5, 5 x 3-5. [74.22] (Correction) Rumanian Front: 20 x 1-4, 2 x 1-3, 2 x 2-5, 4 x 3-5. [74.35] (Addition) MOVEMENT OF ARMS AND TRAINING CENTERS During peacetime the Soviet Player may not move Arms Centers and Training Centers. During any given Cycle or Limited War, the Soviet Player may have only one Arms Center and one Training Center in transit. [74.41] (Correction) Substitute "Center(s)" for "Point(s)". [74.51] (Addition) Within two Game Turns after the fall of Poland, but not later than 1/12/39, all Axis units must withdraw westward behind the partition, or the USSR goes to Total War. [74.52] (Clarification) Any action by the Axis Player prior to 1/11/39 against the Baltic Stats is considered an attack on the Soviet Union. The effective date of Total War is 1/11/39, regardless of the date of the action by the Axis against the Baltic States. [74.54] (Clarification) At the beginning of each Cycle, Soviet units must be within the appropriate Districts and Fronts. During the other turns of the cycle, Soviet units may be in transition. [74.54] (Delete) long as he ...for 3/5/41 (inclusive). [74.7] (Clarification) Siberian Forces in WAR IN EUROPE are extracted by 74.72, 74.73, and 74.74. [74.72] (Addition) On 1/12/41 the following units are released from the required Siberian Forces: 11 x 1-4, 1 x 1-3, 1 x 2-5, 2 x 3-5, and 2 x (1)-10. [74.73] (Addition) The remaining 1-4's and 4-4's may not be removed from Siberia. They may be converted to 5-5's and released according to the table in 48.42. [74.74] (Addition) Add to the procedure of 48.42 a die roll for one 8-6 OR one 9-6. On a die roll of six, an 8-6 or a 9-6 is released; 2-5's and 3-5's are released as per 48.42. [74.9] (3) (Correction) Soviet units may not enter from the east map-edge directly into Iran. [75.13] (Correction) 74.14 to 74.2 [75.34] (Correction) BULGARIAN Two 2-4's, two 1-10's, two 1-3's in Bulgaria. Axis Replacement Points: 1 IR Ge, 1 MR Ge (West Front) [75.72] (Clarification) Change "Air Points" to "Air Points, Replacements, and Strategic Airpoints/Air Bases." [76.0] (Correction) 1945: THE BATTLE FOR GERMANY SCENARIO Case 76.21: Place 2 x 6-5 in C2831, not C2823 Place 1 x (5)-1 in C3305, not C3306 Independent: Place 1 x 6-5 in G1012, not G1002 Place Fortification Marker in C2704, not C2707 Standard Scenario Reinforcement Schedule, Axis Air/Sea/Rail Availability: Political Point Total is 29, not 9. Soviet Air/Sea/Rail Availability: 20 Air Points in the dead pile, not 40. Case 76.3: (1) Allied Railhead is at C1702, not C1732 Case 76.62: The Commonwealth has 1 x 3-10 and 1 x 3-8, not 1 x 3-10 and 1x 3-10. Case 76.2, Free French: 1 x 9-8 in Syria (may not leave the Levant States), 3 x 8-10 in C2631, 2 x 0-8, 3 x 8-10 in C2916, C2816, C2817, and C2818 (free deployment of these units in these hexes). Commonwealth (Change): Remove the 1 x 3-8 and 1 x 3-10 from Great Britain and place one each adjacent to each of the German 1-5 Kg's in C0811 and C0909 (Allied Player's choice). German Fortification Marker: should be in hex C2704, not C2707. Case 76.7: Arms and Training same as Case 64.6. Case 77.2: This applies to moderate Weather Area. [76.11] (Omission) Game length: 27 [76.61] (Omission) Two 13-8's, four 6-5's, 59 Flak in any hexes in Germany. [77.2] (Addition) All Lake hexsides are no longer considered blocked and do not prohibit movement for any purpose while frozen. [77.31] (Addition) If the Dardennelles, ET AL, and the Aegean are Friendly to the Axis Player, the Axis Player may trace Aegean Sea capacity into the Black Sea. [77.41] (Clarification) Land movement (except Rail Movement) is prohibited on the Baltic Sea, inlets, and fjords when the Baltic is frozen. [77.42] (Addition) An Amphibious Assault is not allowed past Helsinki/Talinin until both Helsinki and Talinin are Friendly to the Player using Amphibious Assault. [77.42] (Omission) Amphibious Assaults may not be performed in or through the Baltic Sea during Mud or Snow Game Turns. [77.7] (Correction) Kiev, hex H2001, is incorrectly listed as Kursk. [77.84] (Addition) Reduce Lend-Lease by 25% (round all fractions down) if either Arkhangelsk or Murmansk is taken or isolated from the east map-edge. If both are taken or isolated from the east map-edge, 75% of the Lend-Lease is reduced. [77.9] (Addition) PENALTY FOR NO AXIS INVASION OF SOVIET UNION If the Axis Player does not invade by 1/7/41, the Soviet Union goes to Limited War Production; there are no deployment requirements or penalties (Ref: Case 71.1), and any Axis Attack triggers Total War. If the Soviet Player invades, the Soviet Player goes to Limited War from Limited War production. (Note that there is a difference between Limited War Production and Limited War, and Total War Production and Total War). Once the Soviet Player goes to Total War, he may not go back to Limited War. In the new Limited War status, the Soviet Militia arrive as follows: first turn, no infantry divisions second turn: 2 infantry divisions third turn: one 4-4 for each Personnel Center If the Axis do not invade by 4/13/41, the Soviet Union goes to Total War. [78.0] (Correction) Starting Pools for pre-War builds: Germany: 1200 Points Italy: 320 Points France: 210 Points Commonwealth: 75 Points Soviet Union: (with no Training Centers built) 255 Personnel Points 360 Arms Points [78.0] (Change) Commonwealth Air Transport Points: 9-Point Equivalents replaces 3.