Campaign to Stalingrad CLARIFICATIONS AND ERRATA September 1992 CLARIFICATIONS: 1. MAJOR CITY BATTLES: The defender does not have to retreat from a Major City Hex until the attacker has captured the entire city. Defending units in a city, however, are still Disrupted if the attacker achieves any type of Advance result. It is entirely possible for the attacker to capture a Major City hex in one turn if he achieves an Advance of 4 hexes. He could capture it in two turns if the combined Advance results of both attacks equalled or exceeded an Advance of 4. 2. MARSH HEXES: A) Any major or minor river running through or along the hexside of a Marsh Hex is ignored for all combat and movement purposes. B) If using the optional river rules (highly recommended) all units attacking into and out of a Marsh hex or across a Marsh hexside have their attack strength reduced to 1/3. C) The attacking player may not receive the Armor Superiority shift if all his armor units are attacking out of a Marsh hex. However, they may be used to prevent the defender from receiving the shift. D) A unit may not advance into a Marsh hex unless it was the first hex of their advance. 3. KHARKOV: Kharkov is a three hex city. Only one of the hexes is considered a Major City hex. 4. NORTH MAP EDGE: If the Axis Player clears a portion of the north map edge of Soviet units, he must still garrison the map edge to prevent the Soviet Player from entering units through his Friendly Map Edge hexes. Since a player is not allowed to fight his way on to the map, one Axis unit with a ZOC in every other hex is sufficient to block Soviet units from entering. 5. DIVISIONAL DESIGNATIONS: It is not necessary to use the correct divisional designations when setting up play. Any division may be used which is the same type and has the same ratings for movement, combat and steps. 6. RECEIVING REPLACEMENTS: Players roll for replacements at the beginning of their player turn, not at the beginning of the game turn. 7. GROUND SUPPORT No more than one air unit may be allocated for Ground Support in a combat. 8. RAILROADS: A) For capacity purposes, count brigades, battalions, and regiments as only 1/2 of a division. Count HQs, and Corps as a full division. Count Cavalry and HQs as motorized. B) Players are not allowed to combine their three hex repair capacity into a single line. The three hexes must be spread out between three Railheads. C) Players cannot destroy enemy rail hexes by occupying them or moving through them. A friendly Railhead is only moved backwards when an enemy unit enters the Railhead's hex. At that moment the Railhead is moved back down the rail line to the first friendly controlled rail hex. With this concept in mind, please note the change to the definition of a Connecting Rail Hex in the errata for 15.5. 9. ROAD RATE: Motorized units may combine the road rate with Strategic Movement to move a maximum of 18 hexes. 10. HQ MOVEMENT: Activated and unactivated HQs may use the road rate. Neither may use Strategic Movement. 11. SOVIET ARTILLERY: The artillery divisions must be on their mobile side to use rail movement. 12. RULE 10.51. This is meant to apply only to the present combat. Step losses a unit might have had suffered in a previous combat has no bearing on determining the distribution of step losses in the present combat. 13. ELIMINATION DUE TO A RETREAT. A retreated unit that cannot end its retreat two hexes away from its original hex is eliminated. 14. ISOLATION IN COMBAT (Rule 11.3): While an Isolated unit is not marked as Isolated (Isolated Pocket rules) until its Supply Phase, it is nonetheless immediately affected by Isolation for defense purposes. 15. SUPPLY: Supply is judged at the end of the player turn rather than the beginning. Therefore, a unit can starts its movement without a Line Of Supply and still move its full movement allowance. A unit usually carried enough supply for about three days. 16. COMBAT TABLE: Even if the attrition die rolls results in no step losses, the player may still Advance After Combat if his black die roll allows him. The opposite is also true, you can completely eliminate a unit, and still not be able to advance if the black die resulted in no advance. ERRATA: RULE 6.22: Delete "or friendly units" from the first sentence. RULE 6.9: Insert "Hexside" between the words "ZOC" and "Bond" in the first sentence. RULE 8.0: Replace 1047 with 1045 in the second sentence. RULE 11.1 Major & Minor Cities: Replace the phrase "Infantry type units" with "non-armor type units" in the first sentence. RULE 12.4: Replace "A Major River" with "an unbridged Major River" in the first sentence. RULE 13.0: Delete case 4 entirely. RULE 15.5: Add the phrase ", unblocked by enemy units or enemy ZOC Bonds," between the words "hexes" and "leading" in the first sentence. RULE 19.4: Change the second paragraph to read: "A Frozen army is immediately released if an Axis unit moves within 8 hexes of any unit in the army." RULE: 20.3: Insert "eliminated," between "Isolated," and "or" in the first sentence. RULE 21.5 SOVIET INFANTRY. Delete the words "naval brigades" in that paragraph. RULE 21.5: Change for Naval and NKVD Replacements: These types may be used as regular infantry replacements or to replace their respective unit type. The reverse is not true, regular Soviet infantry replacements may not be used to build Naval or NKVD units. RULE 34.7: Delete the first case entirely. Soviet units may exit the box at any time on or after Turn 21. Change "Turn 20" to "Turn 21" in case number two. RULE 45.0: Delete entirely. It was found this penalty was excessive. CAUCASUS DISPLAY CARD: Change "Turn 25" to "Turn 21" in the sentence explaining the Caucasus Garrison. Delete the words "Axis Entry Space" above the Krymskaya box on the Black Sea Coast Control Track. URANUS REINFORCEMENT CARD: The first turn Soviet reinforcement may start the game on any friendly controlled rail hex that is not adjacent to an enemy unit. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (