Dan Cicero - 05:28pm Nov 6, 2000 PST (#2578 of 2583) Thought I'd answer these CIRCUS MINIMUS questions, as long as I'm here: Re: "A charioteer on foot jumps on a chariot and knocks the other guy off, as per the rules. Can the guy that just has been knocked off roll again to get on the chariot? We thought the knocked off charioteer was in the "corpse" phase again, and could immediately move and try to jump on." You're right. This has come up in a few games I've played and Dean decided to issue the answer in the errata. Players can do only one thing in a turn. A corpse can capture a chariot, but the displaced driver must wait until the next turn to move further. Re: "What happens to the Whip the just knocked charioteer was carrying? Does it fall off as well, clutched in the hands of the just knocked off charioteer?" This also seemed to come up every so often. There are a couple of mentions of whips and stuff in the rules. (You know Dean, always babbling about whips...) Dean decided on the final language in the errata on the website. He told me in an email, "Volunteers can take anything they like from the chariot." [This is the case when someone just jumps out of his chariot for some reason.] "For simplicity, handle the knock off the same as a wreck (everything stays with the chariot), guys will have a point about the whip in the driver's hand...not sure yet...I'll decide what to do at the last minute (as always)." It's in the errata, but I can't remember the answer off the top of my head. Dan Dan Cicero - 05:32pm Nov 6, 2000 PST (#2579 of 2583) Just checked the errata on the website. Here's the rule covering whips and what can be taken out of the chariot: 7. As per the rules, a wreck will contain all extra equipment the driver might have had. Drivers who voluntarily dismount can take any equipment they might have with them. Drivers pulled from their chariot in a wreck (or a whip attack) leave all extra equipment in their chariot (or wreck), but do bring their whip with them (if they have one). Dan