Worthington Games - Jun 9, 2007 3:49 pm (#799 Total: 823) wg@worthingtongames.com Cowboys Rules and Scenario Clarifications Rule and Scenario Clarifications It has been asked if you pick up a weapon how many rounds does it have in it. The answer is it would start fully loaded, part of the cost of the pick up or change (only off of the ground)is the loading process. As an alternative, if you would like to keep track of weapons on the ground you can use the health markers. Also, we put numbered health markers in the game in case players wanted to use miniatures and have the markers under them or place them on the chart. We found keeping track of health on the chart much easier. Scenario 5: You win as side 2 by eliminating Cowboy #6. Scenario 6: If you are holding a rifle the pistols have to be holstered. Scenario 9: All Cowboys on side 1 start mounted. That's all for now. If anyone has any other questions please send to wg@worthingtongames.com and we will try to answer them as quickly as possible.