Errata - for Dark December as of 6/21/79. THE MAP The Allied and German Motorized Replacement Tracks are mislabeled. The Allied should be the German and vice-versa. La Roche (hex 2516) is a town hex backed up by clear terrain. (Clarification) Units always pay the highest movement point cost of any terrain feature in the hex they enter and they likewise receive the greatest Terrain Defense Level when determining combat results. Terrain Defense Levels may never be accumulated beyond seven. THE COUNTERS All three units of the 66th American Infantry Division are brought into play only when using Variant XVIII. These units enter the game on the Dec. 24 AM Game Turn as shown in the Study Folder, not the Jan. 24 AM turn as shown on the counter. The Sole French unit (FR LT) is a restricted unit and should be treated as such. All Leader units are Optional Units used only at the agreement of both Players. THE STANDARD RULES 8.0 Sequence of Play (also 4.1) The mandatory step loss for All Out Assault is not assessed from each attacking hex but only from one attacking unit regardless of the number of hexes from which the attack originates. 3.3 Bridges (also Charts and Tables) Units that do not fulfill the requirements of Road March Movement may cross bridged river hexsides by paying an additional two movement points over and above the cost of the hex entered. 4.4 Retreat After Combat Infantry type units may retreat across unbridged river hexsides. Motorized units may not. OPTIONAL RULES 5.0, Uncertain Weather Once Clear Weather occurs, the weather remains as such until the Dec. 29 AM Game-Turn. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (