Kevin Treese - Feb 29, 2004 1:39 pm (#3600 Total: 3603) Rules Questions/Errata 1. The Battle of Valverde: It appears that Level 1 and 2 are switched on the Terrain Key. Level 1 hexes are yellow. Correct? 2. The Battle of Valverde: Special Rules. Dismounted Cavalry and Shock. Does this really mean that no dismounted Confederate cavalry unit can shock attack any Union unit? Martin Gallo - Feb 29, 2004 3:19 pm (#3601 Total: 3603) Up Front - Play it; Be it East-West question: Who were the playtesters? Nobody was listed. Richard H. Berg - Mar 1, 2004 7:15 am (#3602 Total: 3603) "I'll try to be nicer, if you try to be smarter" Kevin . . . #1: Ooops. You're right: Yellow is L-1, most of the map is L-2. (Same sort of thing happened with the old SPI/S&T CRSUADES game . . . ) #2: That is correct, CSA dismounted cav may NOT shock attack . . . it was not something they were either trained, or disposed, to do. And which they did NOT do during the battle. "Who were the playtesters? Nobody was listed." Left em out . . .probably inadvertently. Probably because the 2 who did - and I'm sorry, but in the welter of testing i am now undertaking I cannot remember (at this moment) who they were, for which i apologize. Mike Lemick did some counter pushing, too . . . to very positive reaction. However, this is a system that has now been used in, what, half a dozen plus games? We know the system works . . . and the actual battles are small and simple enough so that extended testing is really not required (altho playtesting IS done . . .and the system has undegone extensive testing, albeit in a slightly different form, for MEN OF IRON). Sorry I left that out . . . my apologies to those so slighted. RHB Kim Meints - Mar 1, 2004 3:21 pm (#3603 Total: 3603) If we defeat him 100 times he will be still our King! if he beats us just once we are all hanged. (Manchester at 2nd Newbury) playtesters Brian Datta did "Olsestee" Kim Meints did "Valverde" I'm just happy the game is out for all us Consimmers!