OFFICIAL ERRATA for GOETTERDAEMMERUNG by the Designer (As of 10th August 2001) COUNTER: 1. Reverse side of Soviet 7th Guards Mechanized Corps should be 10-10-8, not 19-19-8. 2. Subordination of Polish 2nd Army should be 1UF, not 2BF. MAP: 1. hex 0908 should be 70A instead of 49A. 2. hex 3002 should be 2GCC instead of 1GCC. CHART Explain on the results of combat: (Change) A#R/D#R: Attacker or Defender loses steps listed number and retreat s two hexes; winner may advance RULES: [2.22](change) Juterbog Supply Unit = German Supply Dump Security Division = Fortress (Soviet) Headquarters = Soviet Supply Dump [2.23](change) Waln (not "Wall") = 28th SS-Panzergrenadier Division "Wallonien" [3.1](delate) delate "A. SOVIET PLAYER-TURN". [4.1](change and clarifications) Players may stack up to 4 stacking value (SV) of units in a single Operation al and Transitional hex, and up to 2.5 SVs of units in a Siege hex. [4.11] All German units are counted as 1SV per game piece regardless of its unit-size when in Operational and Transitional hexes. In Siege hexes, Germ an battalion-sized units and kampfgruppe units are counted as 0.5 SV per gam e piece, and other units are counted as 1 SV per game piece. However, F$B]I(Jr er, factory, fortress, Supply-Dump, and headquarters are counted as 0 SV and the German player may stack these units in any type of hex (i.e., Siege, Ope rational or Transitional) freely. [4.12] All Soviet corps-sized units and all Polish units (army and corps) ar e counted as 4 SV per game piece regardless of its current step when in Oper ational and Transitional hexes, and as 2 SV when in Siege hexes. [4.13] Soviet Supply-Dump units are counted as 0 SV and the Soviet player ma y stack these units in any type of hex (i.e., Siege, Operational or Transiti onal) freely. [4.14] Soviet Tactical Support units are counted as 0.5 SV per game piece wh en in Siege hex. Soviet Battle-Group (i.e., breakdown) units are counted a s 1 SV per game piece when in Siege hex. Also, all American units are cou nted as 2 SV per game piece when in Operational hex. [4.16](change) Any number of friendly units may move or retreat through a gi ven hex as long as stacking restrictions are satisfied at the end of the Pha se (however, see 6.62). During the Combat Phase, units may never advance a fter combat into a hex in violation of stacking restrictions, even if stacki ng restrictions can be met at the end of that Phase. [5.33](change) A Soviet unit may use road/railroad movement costs when movin g into or from Transitional hex. A German unit may also do so only if ther e is no Occupied Marker (see 5.47) in the hex. [5.66](change) Units being moved by rail may move from the Operational Map t o Transitional Hexes and vice versa, unless those hexes are not enemy ZOCs. [6.46](addition) Soviet player may not use Support Points to support his def ending units; Support Points may only be used to support his attack. [6.62](change third and fourth paragraphs) Units may retreat through any hex in violation of stacking restrictions (see 4.1), but may not end its retreat at such hex. If forced to do so, the excess retreating units must continue its retreat by any available hex. In addition to that, all retreating unit s and all units in the hex which the violation of stacking restrictions has occurred are disrupted immediately. [6.77](change third paragraph) No unit may advance into or through Operation al hexes during the friendly Siege Movement Phase. [6.79](change the last note) see 7.43, not 8.43. [7.33](addition) No Soviet artillery unit may support friendly Overrun attac k if it already moved during that Siege Movement Phase, and no Soviet artill ery unit may move during that Siege Movement Phase if it already supported a ny friendly Overrun attack. Also, disrupted Soviet artillery unit may not support friendly overrun at all. [7.41](change) Units may retreat through any hex in violation of stacking re strictions, but may not end its retreat at such hex (see 6.62). [7.53](change) described in rules 7.3, not 8.3. [7.54](change) During the Siege Movement Phase (only), if one or more friend ly units (except Overrunning units, disrupted units, units in out of supply, and units with an Attack Strength of zero) are adjacent to the defending hex , the combat ratio is shifted one column to the right for each "hex"(not per unit) which is occupied by such friendly unit. These "supporting" units ma y have moved. The supporting units may also move normally later during tha t Siege Movement Phase. [7.55](addition) Each Soviet artillery unit may only either of move or suppo rt during a single friendly Siege Movement Phase. [8.12](addition) However, at the Supply and Replacement Phase of the Game-Tu rn 1, only hexes numbered xx01 may be used as supply sources for the Soviet units. [8.18](change third and fourth paragraphs) If a Transitional hex on the oper ational Map is in supply, the Transitional hex with identical hex number on the Siege Map may be considered as a supply source for Soviet units on the S iege Map. Soviet Tactical Support units on the Siege Map may trace a Line of Supply to any Transitional Hex in supply, regardsless of the front. [8.19](addition) There is no limit to the number of units may trace Lines of Supply to a single Supply-Dump or a Transitional Hex in supply. Also, unit s belonging to different front may trace its Line of Supply through a Transi tional Hex to their appropriate Supply-Dump units as long as such Transition al Hex is in supply from both of those Supply-Dump units (in the case of hex 2620). [8.36](delete the last paragraph) "No unit... ...a single Game Turn" [8.38](change) Supply Dump units, not headquarters units. [8.4](addition) The German player may place two or more Volkssturm units on a single hex within the stacking restrictions. [9.11](change) exception: see 9.6, not 9.5 nor 9.7. [9.22](change / Example) During the German regular Movement Phase of Game-Tu rn 4, not the Supply and Replacement Phase. [9.5](change / Game Turn 4) 3rd Guards Rifle Corps, not 3rd Rifle Corps. [9.61](add "9.61" and addition) No Soviet Tactical Support unit may be place d on a hex only occupied by a corps unit with Out of Supply marker. [9.62](addition) Also, no stack may conduct Overrun in violation of stacking at the initiation of Overrun. [9.64](addition) If any Tactical Support unit is eliminated as a result of c ombat, such unit is not returned into the cup and removed from play parmanen tly. Those eliminated Tacical Support units are counted for the victory po int purposes. [9.72](addition) They are considered in supply throughout the game, automatically. They may never be replaced with Soviet Support Points. [10.21](addition) Each hex of the German Deployment Code Line must be occupi ed by or be in the Zone of Control of the German units with the identical De ployment Code. [11.13](change) 3. The hex was never moved through by a unit, but is behind his side of the front line of the initial deployment. [11.16](addition) 1VP for German foot unit (excluding Volksstorm battalion); eliminated German Volksstorm battalions, Polish units and American units ar e not counted for Victory Point purposes. Questions/Clarifications 1 At the end of the Supply and Replacement Phase the German player rolls a die to see how many Volkssturm battalions (0-1-4) he can place in Berlin (si ege hexes). There are 17 of these battalions included in the game. Can elimi nated Volksstrum battalions be reused (entered back into the game) or is 17 the limit? Right now I'm playing 17 as a limit! ANS: No, there are 25 Volksstorm battalions in countermix. So, 25 as a limit. 2. All of Marshal Rokossovski's Second Belorussian Front and parts of Marsha l Zhukov's First Belorussian Front start the game OOS. But almost all of the se units that start OOS are within range (8 hexes) of a suppply source hex ( east edge of map). Historically, Rokossovski's Second Belorussian Front wasn 't ready to start the offensive on the 16th so I think the OOS requirement a t the start is fine. Especially considering that Rokossovski's supply dump ( head) doesn't arrive till turn three. But come turn two this front will be i n supply due to the supply source hexes and probably in position to attack. Something doesn't seem quite right here unless the Soviets were hiding their supply sources at the start of the offensive. Right now I'm thinking that un its need to run supply lines to supply dumps and supply dumps to supply sour ce hexes! Could you explain/clarify/add insight? Thanks! ANS: See the errata above (8.12). 3. Overruns/movment over Major Rivers/Spree river : In general, Can a unit o verrun over a major river if a road/bridge crosses it? In regards to the Spr ee river on the siege map, Can a unit move/overrun over the bridges? Do the bridges exist (or are the just map art)? ANS: No unit may conduct overrun across a major river hexside, regardless of a road/ railroad features. However, only in Siege Map, a bridged Spree River hexside is considered as a Minor River hexside. 4. Do fortifications give 1 or 2 column shifts to the left? The rules say on e thing and the TEC another. ANS: It is one column shift to the left. 5. Can a Railroad be used as a road as well? ANS: Yes, "Railroads" on the map may be used as so. However, all "Rail Track s" in the Siege Map is not considered as "Railroads"; it's the just map art and so the re is no movement benefit at all. 6. Soviet units cannot use road movement on the siege map while the germans can. Is this correct? ANS: There is no "Roads" in the Siege Map, so neither player may use roads. 7. Looking at the game turn sequence, there is only a Soviet-Player Turn whi ch is nine-phases in length. Please verify! ANS: See the errata above (3.1). 8. If Vlasov's Russian Volunteer Division (600th) quits (removed from game) does the Soviet player still receive victory points for them? (Rule 9.4) ANS: No VP because there not combat losses. 9. Rule 4.12 states that Soviet corps-sized count as one stacking point when occupying a siege hex but the stacking points chart indicate two. Which is it? ANS: See the errata above (4.1). 10. Rule 4.0 states that no more than 2 counters may stack in a siege hex bu t rule 4.14 states that 4 tactical support units are equivalent to one corps for stacking purposes in a siege hex. Please explain? ANS: See the errata above (4.1). 11. It is unclear if conforming to 1:3 or 8:1 is done before the application of modifiers (column shifts) or after. Reading 6.3.4 one might think it happ ens before the modifiers are applied but in looking at the example in 6.3.5 it "appears" to be after the modifiers are applied. Please clarify? ANS: Apply the modifiers first, then match it to the CRT. 12. Rule 4.28 states friendly units negate EZOCs for purposes of retreat and then refers the player to rule 6.63. Rule 6.63 states that a unit may never be retreated into or through an enemy-occupied or enemy zone of control, unl ess the latter is occupied by a friendly unit. But then rule 6.63 states tha t any stack that retreats into an enemy zone of control loses one step per s tack for each such hex retreated through. Please clarify? ANS: You can only retreat through an enemy ZOC via friendly unit and lose a step from the stack (not each unit). 13. What happens if a unit cannot retreat two hexes? Is it eliminated? ANS: YES The unit is eliminated 14. The CRT is very confusing concerning step losses (which are mentioned in the rules) and retreat hexes. Could you clarify/explain? ANS: See the errata above. 15. Are Demi-Corps the same as BattleGroups (Rule 12.2)? I believe so! ANS: Yes, they are the same.