Christophe Gentil-Perret - May 25, 2007 4:06 am (#314 Total: 318) Errata, clarifications and rules additions 24th May 2007 Basic rules (changes from version 1.2 to 1.3) • Add to end of 12.2.1 An attack may only be declared if at least one of the attacking units has a morale rating at least equal to 4, is not disorganised, and is within the command radius of an HQ. (This is intended to avoid attacks by low morale units, unable to satisfy 12.2.3, only to trigger bombardment). •12.2.3 If the attacker is unable to designate a valid lead unit within the command radius of an HQ (for example after defensive bombardment), the combat is cancelled and the attacker immediately loses 3 steps from the participating units with the highest morale. (add the end of sentence) Advanced rules • I.1.1 - Strategic Movement Conditions either within the command range of a friendly HQ, three hexes or less from the HQ, • Campaign game setup French 45th DI (3 regiments) /5 is set in 45.16 Campaign game optional rules Bruchmuller's Planning (these optional rules have been created to avoid the disastrous effect of some 1 rolls for tactical coordination during the first sequence of a German offensive) At the start of the game, the German player chooses if he wants to play the «Bruchmuller’s Planning» optional rule. If he does, the Allied player then automatically draws the event «Cantigny» during the first turn and «Legion Russe» (Russian Legion) during the second turn (as the optional rule at the end of the campaign set up). To simulate the perfect German preparation of the spring offensives by colonel Bruchmuller, the German player can ignore effects of a natural 1 during tactical coordination rolls if the following conditions are met: - combat occurs during the first sequence of an offensive. - Bruchmuller event has been played for this offensive. - combat is within bombardment range of an army artillery unit in offensive mode. - at least as many Stosstruppen as German divisions (even incomplete) are involved in this combat. If these conditions are met, the German player may choose to ignore the effects of a natural 1 on the tactical coordination roll. Modifiers are applied as usual. Finally, the German player must eliminate as many Stosstruppen as German divisors that were involved in combat. The German player may choose to invoke the optional rule after rolling the dice. Version 1.3 of English basic rules will be uploaded soon.