From S&T#167 Franco-Prussian War 27.2 The last portion of the example should read: ... so, at the beginning of the movement phase, a different HQ than 2nd Army plays an Operations Marker to perform a Strategic Intelligence Operation against the inverted French unit. The distance between the HQ and the unit does not affect the outcome. The German player decides to flip over the inverted French unit. It turns out to be a single cavalry division. Realizing this will be an easy kill, 2nd Army expends its first Operations Marker of the turn to March toward the French unit without rolling on the March Table. In the German combat segment, 2nd Army expends its second and last available Operations Marker for this turn in order to obtain Tactical Superiority and fire first. 28.1 French System D Operations (change): When the French player chooses to attempt an Operation, place the marker with the HQ making the attempt. Ignore the words "Elan", "Effective," and "Ineffective" on the French markers. Then roll the die and consult the: Systern D Table (28.1) Die roll Result Elan Effective Ineffective "R" HQ 1 2-3 4-10 "P" HQ 1-2 3-5 6-10 "E" HQ 1-3 4-7 8-10 34.3 Third Republic is instantly declared when Napoleon III is eliminated. Do not wait until "next turn." 35.3 (6) Begin Levee en Masse in the next French Mobilization Segment. Scenario 1: The special rule should read "any three of the following five hexes." Political Event Explanations: Democratic Uprising in Prussia (1) (correction): Immediately lower German National Will by the equivalent of one die roll. Morale b (2) (clarification) A Morale event marker may be played by any friendly force against one adjacent enemy-occupied hex. Any demoralized units in the hex surrender. South German Withdrawal d (correction): South German units are reintroduced if the "Wilhelm Crowned Kaiser" event takes effect. Place the units back in the German Mobilization box. Lessons Of History (p. 36) German Player Turn - Movement (column 1) (correction): Delete the sentence "German expends Operations markers to make it so." German player turn - Combat (column 2) (corrections): In the Second Army's attack on St. Avold, when the surviving French defenders fire back, the Germans do not gain any terrain benefits for occupying Forbach. This means the Second Army would lose the full 40% shown on the battle chit, in this case 2 SPs. In the First Army's attack, the French 2nd Corps can still fire back even when Demoralized, but at half strength (1 SP). The Combat marker "40/P/Cd" is chosen, which causes no casualties (40% of 1=0.4, rounded down to zero). Also, there is no Demoralization of the "P" class German units, because each of them is larger than the entire French force. Since no French cavalry divisions are present, the "Cavalry Blown" (Cd) result is ignored. In the Third Army's attack, when MacMahon fires back, the German gains no terrain benefits and loses the full 40% required (4SPs). French player turn - Movement (column 3) (correction): The Demoralized French 2nd Corps has its printed movement allowance halved from 10 to 5 MPs, not seven. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (