Paul Rohrbaugh - 01:39pm Oct 17, 2002 PST (#1325 of 1325) Basta imparare, comincia a morire! Greetings, Norbert! Answers follow each query: a) when exactly fires the VM player his AT fire against tanks? During any of the VM fire (defensive or offensive) phases. b) if a VM battalion fires against tanks, may the same unit fire once again "normally" in the Fire Combat or Assault Combat Impulse? No, it can't do both at the same time. c) how exactly fires artillery defensively in the Assault Combat Impulse? Do they roll against their combat strength (i.e. the left number of the counter) or may they bombard as per 10.2? Roll against their combat strength when firing defensively. d) It is correct that direct fire support by arty is only against one target unit per firing arty unit and not against every unit in the target area as per 10.2? Correct. e) It is correct that a modified die roll must be less or equal to the actual (i.e. step-reduced) combat strength of a firing unit? Correct. f) How can a tank fire as per 12.1? The counter have no combat strength. Rule 14.1 states that tanks alone have a CF of 1. g) Must an assault (12.2) conducted against all enemy units in an adjacent area or may the attacker choose any or all enemy units? As per the rule, all defending units in an area must be attacked. h) Defensively/offensively fire (12.2) and Fire Combat (12.1): Must the firing player first choose all target and then fire OR may he choose one target, fire and choose another or the same and fire again and so on? First example applies. Do each combat individually before moving on to the next. Too much to remember otherwise! :^) i) Supply Point expenditure: one per arty unit (rules) or one per arty step (chart)? The chart is correct. This was clarified at some point. j) may the French air units fly at low level in scenario 17.3 or is random event 9 in effect? Altitude level is the French player's decision. The random event will prevent the French from flying any low-level missions in the future. This random event is not in effect for this scenario (I believe Earthquake's demise occurred shortly after this battle, but I'd have to make sure. It's tough enough on the French as it is, why make it harder?) :^) Correct, see the sequence of play 5.6.2. A unit may be reduced by more than 1 step by air and/or artillery bombardment, but can not be totally eliminated by only air/artillery bombardment. That last step has to be "done in" by regular fire or assault combat. But see rules 9.3 notes: "...units target in tactical air support may..even totally eliminated." OOOPS!! Got me. Air support CAN indeed totally eliminate units. Artillery can not. DOH!! (apply head slap here)