Worthington Games - Jul 22, 2004 1:49 pm (#118 Total: 134) Grant RULES QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Victoria Cross Clarification Questions 1. in regards to the red cross vp units; it states that an inf unit with at least 1 sp has to move them. i'm wondering if (& guess that) a single inf can carry 1 vp unit only- not a 2 pt inf unit able to move 2 vp units together. what's the official ruling? ANSWER: IN THE RULES 7.9 STATES THAT IT REQUIRES AT LEAST ONE BRITISH SP TO MOVE EACH VP UNIT, THEREFORE, A 4 SP UNIT COULD MOVE ALL FOUR VP UNITS, A 2 SP UNIT COULD MOVE 2 VP UNITS. 2. i know that sp's of firing units must be revealed. what about units recieving hits? we played last night that losses from any unit/units were revealed when chosen as the ones hit & broken down or removed so the other side could see. is that right? ANSWER: IN RULE 8.2 IT STATES THAT BRITISH UNITS MUST REVEAL SP WHEN FIRING,,,IN RULE 9.1 IT STATES THAT ALL UNITS (BRITISH AND ZULUS) MUST REVEAL SP WHEN MELEE OCCURS. THEREFORE, UNITS DO NOT REVEAL SP WHEN HIT. 3. we are assuming that zulu units can be broken down/combined as long as the sp count in the zone remains the same at any time in a turn (movement,combat, etc...) is that right? ANSWER: YES FOR ZULU UNITS ONLY. SEE RULE 3.9.1. 4. looking at the chart that has turn#,victory pts,etc... we were a little confused about the loss & eliminated units areas. a- is the loss column continually updated during the game to reflect overall losses, or back to zero every turn when zulu replacements are brought in? b- depending on your answer to (a),since there is so much pt exchanging with the zulus, when are units put in the zulu loss column? example- a 10 pt zulu unit takes a 6 pt hit & is replaced with a new 4 pt unit. where does the 10 pt unit go? or perhaps should THIS be the column to reflect what the zulus have lost in a single turn? ANSWER: A. BROUGHT BACK TO ZERO AT THE END OF EACH TURN. THIS CHART IS ONLY TO HELP YOU KEEP TRACK OF LOSSES DURING A TURN. B. IN YOUR EXAMPLE THE 6 SP THAT WERE HIT WOULD BE MARKED IN THE LOSS CHART, YOU WOULD TAKE 6 SP WORTH OF BLOCKS AND PLACE THEM IN THE BOX FOR ELIMINATED ZULU STRENGTH POINT BOX TO HELP YOU KEEP TRACK OF THE SP COMING IN NEXT TURN. 5. When is a VP unit eliminated? I had some zulus wipe out a BR unit in the hospital, leaving only the VP unit behind. Can they advance in and eliminate the unit (which has no strength), or do they need to inflict 1 more casualty to kill the wounded guy before advancing? ANSWER: ANY TIME A ZULU UNIT MOVES EITHER THROUGH ADVANCE AFTER MELEE (RULE 9. OR NORMAL MOVEMENT INTO A ZONE WITH AN UNESCORTED VP UNIT, THE VP UNIT IS ELIMINATED AND THE ZULU PLAYER GAINS THE VP. IN THE EXAMPLE ABOVE, THE VP UNIT WOULD BE ELIMINATED WITHOUT THE NEED TO INFLICT ANY MORE LOSSES BECAUSE HE COULD ADVANCE AFTER MELEE. THE VP UNIT HAS NO SP AND DOES NOT STOP A ZULU SP FROM ADVANCING AFTER COMBAT OR MOVING INTO A ZONE THROUGH NORMAL MOVEMENT. 6. Map question: can you move/fire from 2 to 3? 2 to L? 3 to L? ANSWER: YOU CAN NOT MOVE OR FIRE FROM 2 TO 3. YOU CAN NOT MOVE FROM 2 TO L. YOU CAN NOT MOVE FROM 3 TO L. SEE RULE 2.2 THAT STATES THE SMALL UNLETTERED BUILDING ATTACHED TO ZONES L AND I IS NOT A PLAYABLE ZONE, THEREFORE MOVEMENT AND FIRE ARE NOT ALLOWED INTO, THROUGH OR OUT OF THIS AREA. 7. Can you fire from "E" to "8"? ANSWER: NO, THAT IS DIAGONAL FIRE. 8. Does the British melee bonus apply both when the Zulu initiate the melee and when the British, or just when the British initiate? ANSWER: SINCE MELEE IS SIMULATNEOUS ANY MELEE BONUS FOR THE BRITISH (OVER WALLS +1) APPLIES DURING HIS MELEE ROLLS. 9. Can leaders move two spaces on their own? ANSWER: YES 10. Does the diagnal fire restriction apply when you fire at a unit that is more than one space away. If so, how do you judge whether it is diagnal? ANSWER: THE DIAGONAL FIRE RULE APPLIES AT ANY DISTANCE. 11. Bayonet charges: Just EXACTLY when do the occur? After meelee but before zone? also, as we read the rules meele is just one round of combat/turn. That is the Zulu makes his meele attack once, the Brit makes his roll once and that is the end of meele, next turn. But a charge means meelee continues untill one side or the other is eliminated. With the meelee being done as normal. But the Brits only get to use their charging leader/SP's and the zulu's get all their SP's involved. So if Chard charges up with 3 SP, joining 3 SP's already there, only him and his 3 he brought make attack rolls or take casualties from the Zulu's. And the meelee is done like normal meelee, with the charge not providing any combat bonus. This includes if the charge inflicts any damage on the Zulu's they still get to make their meelee roll with out taking into consideration the casaulties till the next round. ANSWER: THE NORMAL MELEE PHASE IS ONE ROUND OF SIMULTANEOUS COMBAT. BAYONET CHARGE MAY OCCUR AT THE OPTION OF THE BRITISH PLAYER AFTER THE MELEE PHASE. BAYONET CHARGE IS A SPECIAL PHASE AFTER MELEE WHERE THE BRITISH PLAYER CHOOSES TO MOVE HIS LEADERS WITH UP TO 4 SP EACH INTO AN ADJACENT ZONE OCCUPIED BY THE ZULU’S. BAYONET CHARGE IS REPEATED ROUNDS OF SIMULTANEOUS MELEE CONDUCTED UNTIL THE BRITISH STOP THE CHARGE OR ALL UNITS ARE ELIMINATED ON ONE SIDE. SEE RULE 12.4. BAYONET CHARGES SHOULD BE USED BY THE BRITISH PLAYER TO CLEAR A ZONE OF A LIMITED NUMBER OF ZULU SP. 12. If your firing at zulu's and count off range by never crossing diagonly, but moving along the flat sides when counting, is this the way to see if you have LOS? ANSWER: LINE OF SIGHT IS AN EXPANDING ARC OF FIRE AS YOU GET FURTHER FROM THE COMPOUND. ALSO ZONE H (ALL AREAS LETTERED H, ARE CONSIDERED STOREHOUSE ROOF) CAN ONLY BE MELEED BY THE ZULU PLAYER FROM ZONE C OR F,,,,,THERE WAS NO WAY FOR THE ZULU PLAYER TO GET TO THE ROOF FROM OUTSIDE OF THE DEFENSIVE COMPOUND. THE ZULU CAN MELEE WITH 8 SP ONTO THE STOREHOUSE ROOF FROM C OR F BUT MAY NOT ADVANCE AFTER MELEE. ANY AREA LETTERED WITH THE SAME LETTER IN THE HOSPITAL IS CONSIDERED ONE AREA (EXAMPLE- M HAS 3 AREAS LETTERED M BUT IS CONSIDERED ONE ZONE FOR MOVEMENT, AND MELEE PURPOSES.) THERE CAN NOT BE A WALL BETWEEN UNITS FIRING VOLLEY FIRE AND A TARGETED ZONE WITH ZULU SP. WHEN USING THE FIRE CHARTS YOU TOTAL ALL OF THE BRITISH SP FIRING FROM A ZONE INTO A TARGETED ZONE AND ROLL ONE DIE TO DETERMINE LOSSES. WE WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR ALL OF THE POSITIVE RESPONSES WE ARE RECEIVING AND WILL BE MAKING AN ANNOUNCEMENT ON OUR NEXT GAME WE ARE PRODUCING BY AUGUST 9TH. THANKS, GRANT WYLIE MIKE WYLIE WORTHINGTON GAMES Worthington Games - Jul 22, 2004 2:15 pm (#119 Total: 134) Grant Los q & a LOS AND DIAGONAL FIRE This is has been difficult to explain so I am going to try here to bang it out. Consider the zone your in the opening to a funnel (the small opening). As you go further out your field of fire opens up. I am going to give some examples here and a clarification/correction. The hospital DOES BLOCK los from zone H. Some los examples: Zone P can hit zones-4,13,19,5,14,20,k,m,n BUT CAN NOT HIT j, 6, or any zones connected to but further away . Zone K can hit zones-j,i, 2 (at -1 on die roll for clear terrain between firing unit and wall)f,c,e, 6,14,20,p BUT CAN NOT HIT 7,5,L,M or any zones to connected to these zones but further away For Zone H remember the standard LOS rules don't apply other than NO FIRING THROUGH THE HOSPITAL TO COUNT RANGE I hope this helps with any questions, Grant PAVEuf - Jul 23, 2004 12:52 am (#120 Total: 134) Never shake hands with a left-handed draw Redoubt LOS Clear as mud Your reference to 8.4.4 calls for increasing the range, rather than -1 from die roll. This is significant in that zone k could NOT then hit zone 2 as it would become 4 zones away. How was it playtested? A six to hit (3 zones away at -1 for nonadjacent wall?) 8.4.5 says LOS rules don't apply to the storehouse roof (h) and redoubt (d). I interpreted this to mean that units firing from here don't add one to range (or -1 from their die roll) when shooting over a nonadjacent wall, correct? That K can hit C is very interesting. Even if D is occupied, yes? A glimmer of a strategy... I'm not sure 12.4 requires any physical movement into the zulus space to conduct the charge, only that the brits MAY occupy an empty space following a successful combat. Thus far I've only used this to clear zulus away from the water cart w/o going into the space (assumed this was sufficient to prevent it's destruction). Pity they can't just move the damned thing... Ok, enough blather, but to seeking a brit win... Worthington Games - Jul 23, 2004 1:28 pm (#121 Total: 134) Grant More answers Your interpretation is correct,,,it would take a 6 to hit at 3 zones over a non adjacent wall. On part two you are also correct,,,no adjustments for fire over non adjacent walls. Yes even if D is occupied Barcafer - Jul 23, 2004 6:44 pm (#122 Total: 134) Ludeo Ergo Sum - Sign up for Ace of Aces Tuesday near the WBC check in. Look for the Kiosk. Can Volley fire go over adjacent walls? Dennis L. Bishop - Jul 23, 2004 10:10 pm (#123 Total: 134) I am not having problems with LOS for British fire. Much of it is common sense and fits miniature gaming well. One cannot shoot through buildings, fire falls off at distances, and Zulu don't benefit from any terrain but buildings. If one is looking for a British win without the optional British Leader units, try placing Chard + 4 on the Storehouse roof (Area H) to volley fire. Place Bromhead + 4 in Area F to volley fire. This provides an incredible number of options for volley fire, movement, and melee. I gamble on three 2s in the Hospital areas that are vulnerable, and one 1 in Hospital Area "l". The Hospital will fall, and Hospital Area "L" is critical to withdrawing the VP "Patient" counters. Defending the entire perimeter by the British is suicide. The whole "hospital" and "Inner Perimeter" is a fighting withdrawal. The trick for the British is to get as many patients and defending units to the final perimeter as quickly as possible once they are released. A wiley Zulu might attempt to hit Areas "K" before attacking the "Hospital," but moving into the area makes it vulnerable to volley fire from Area "F." The Zulu cannot be everywhere. I have been playing the game using the solitaire rules, and have had no problem "gunning down Zulus," and winning games. A ftf confrontation might be different, but as the British player I would plan the defense the same. I am using a "House Rule" to randomize the Zulu casualties as I think that ftf one might not know which unit to attack. Even using this, I am not having any problems eliminating Zulu Leaders and winning games as the British. These are just some of my observations. Dennis Worthington Games - Jul 24, 2004 10:47 am (#128 Total: 134) Grant Volley Fire from Roof Your right,,,,we didn't list it in the rules---but you can not fire volley fire from the roof. Volley fire represents several ranks of men firing, one rank fires as the next reloads---not possible on roof. Remember H can not be meleed from outside the compound. Also,,,rule 12.3 says volley fire cannot be targeted over a wall----you cannot volley fire over a wall...