From S&T#167 WARS OF THE IMPERIAL AGE SERIES ERRATA The current system rules published in this issue have been thoroughly reorganized, so the ease number references found in the Specific Rules are no longer current. Consult the contents listing at the beginning of the rule book to help find the appropriate System Rules. TABLES (ALL GAMES) 1. All games in the series should use the System Rules Player Aid Sheet printed with the latest rule book. Use other charts and tables from the original games as needed. 2. Effects of National Will chart: Add one (+1) to the Rally Table die roll when HIGH, subtract one (-1) when LOW. (No Training Level shifts occur.) 3. Percentage Loss Table: 50% of 7=4, 40% of 7=3, of 26=11, of 32=13, of 41=16. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (