This is a nice beer&pretezels strategic game of German cruisers vs. British commerce in WWI. The rules are a bit convoluted so here's a summary to get you started right away. Sequence of Play: 1)AMC move (can be interned in areas 5-7,9,11,19,20,24 2) Brit move a ship/squadron/2 convoys/place ship/squad on convoy escort (must be rg A,B, spd 3+) or on station. - Place 2 Allied ships from turn 2-8 on Tsing; 7 ships/turns 2-9 on Kamerun; 2 ships / turn 1,2, or 3 on Samoa; 3 ships/ turn 1,2,3 or 4 on New Guinea. 3) Ger move a ship squadron. 4) Ger search w/ moving ship/squad (auto discovery, only once/turn) 5) Brit search w/ moving ship/squad: roll d6: 0-1 Discovered. DRM: -1 per searching ship and target ship over 1 - If discovered, reroll: 6 German surprised, can't run. - If equal speeds, reroll: high roll wins choice of fight/run. - If w/in 1 speed, reroll: 6 slow choice wins choice. 6) Combat: round 1 @ rg A; run > rd 2 @ rg A, B; run > rd 3 @ rg A,B,C (also torp hits on 1 @ C); rd 4 @ torp. rg. (torp hits: 1-3) DRM: -2 if Br surp'd; +1 to anti-torp gunnery. - roll per ship > ship's DRM & other DRMs > check dmg table > if dmg greater than or equal to ship's dmg cap: sunk. DRMs: -2: firer tried unsuccessfully to run -1 firer ? sunk -1 more than 2 firers@same target -1 per previous combat of Ger non BC firer +1 firer@ same target in next rd (until ship DRM: 0) +1 Scharn/Gneis firing & hit target last rd. +1 target ? sunk +2 first rd firer@ target leaving Rufigi River +2 first rd Ger firer@ surp'd Brit - Surprise combat at rg C. - Remove 1 dmg pt per ship after all combat rds. - Brit can remove w/out penalty ? sunk ships; Ger ? sunk: -1 spd level. - Ger attack convoy counter: roll 1-3 surprised; 4-6 fight escort - DRM: +1 squad spd 4; +2 squad spd 4- - If surp'd, ea. Ger att'kr rolls: #ships sunk/VPs. 7) Merchant capture w/ moving Ger ship/AMC (ship can't have run, raided, combat) - Merch#: turn limit - #(moved) escort. 8) Raid ea. station once/game. If survive combat w/on-sta. ship, gain VP - If raid Capetown, roll 1-3 Boers rebel (-1 DRM: Ger AC); if raid Lud'tz Bay: roll 1 for rebel; If raid Eng, fight BC vs. BC. 9) Return to Germany (from area 2): roll 5,6: individ. success, else sunk. - roll 6 for squad success, else reroll for ea. Doug Murphy