From: (Eric Pass) Subject: Hundred Days Battle Counter Manifest Hi all, I prepared this to help out Todd Wilson but then I thought others may be able to benefit as well. TEXT IMPORT BEGIN ================= Here's the counter list for 100DB. I have changed the order to Initiative - Bonus Points - Command Span as that is how they are represented on the counter. For the units, I have also indicated whether they are Cavalry (C) or Infantry (I). This makes a difference for pursuit, movement, command span and a number of other things. TEXT IMPORT BEGIN ================= Counter Info for Battles of The Hundred Days Leaders: Initiative/Bonus Points/Command Span Napoleon 4*4 d'Erlon 3-0 Reille 2-0 Vandamme 3-0 Gerard 3-0 Mouton 3-0 Ney 3-1 Grouchy 3-1 Drouot 3-0 Wellington 5*5 Orange 3-1 Hill 3-0 Bluecher 4*4 Ziethen 2-0 Pirch 2-0 Thielmann 2-0 Buelow 2-0 Inf. Major Generals 0-0 Cav. Major Generals 4-0 Units: (Ineffectiveness Number) Jacquinot C 1 Allix. I 1 Marcog. I 1 Durrute I 1 Donzelot I 2 Pire C 1 Bachelu I 2 Girard I 2 Foy I 2 Jerome I 2 Domon C 0 Lefol I 2 Berthez I 2 Habert I 2 Maurin C 1 Vichery I 1 Bourmont I 1 Pecheux I 2 Teste I 1 Jeanin I 1 Simmer I 2 Kellerman C 1 Milhaud C 1 Pajol C 1 Exelmans C 1 Barrois I 1 Grenad. I 1 Mortier C 1 Chass. C 1 Bruns. I 3 Picton I 2 Kielmans. I 2 Cooke I 1 Alten I 2 Collaert C 2 Chasse I 5 Clinton I 4 Stedman I 2 Cole I 5 Perpon. I 6 Colville I 3 Uxbridge C 3 Roeder C 1 Pirch II I 3 Steinmetz I 3 Juergass C 1 Bose I 2 Krafft I 2 Brause I 2 Tippelsk I 2 Hobe C 1 Kemphen I 2 Luck I 2 Stuelp. I 2 Borcke I 3 Wilhelm C 1 Hacke I 2 Hiller I 2 Losthin I 2 Ryssel I 2 Henckel I 2 Jagow I 2 TEXT IMPORT END =============== Best regards, Eric Eric W. Pass ( | Lots of game stuff for sale on my | Web page, see URL at left! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bother", said Pooh, as he tampered with the medicine bottles at the drug store.