Anzio Beachhead (Steven Bucey, November 2003) Sunday I solitaired about half of a game of Anzio Beachhead from S&T 134. This is a redesign of an earlier SPI game, according to the designer. It's fairly decent. Units are regiments and battalions, and turns are 1 day. The allies basically walk ashore with a few scattered Germans in the far interior. The allies need to be quick to get to where they want to be before the German reinforcements start to pile up. The Allies can do some damage, but the terrain works against them (armor is almost immobile off roads). About mid-game the German heavy hitters arrive and by then the Allies had better be ready for them. The designer points out that the pre-printed 'Final Defensive Line' that the Allies can build is not there for the Allies to attack from. The sequence of play is rather odd and takes some getting used to. Turn 1 the allies can move and fight normally. Turn 2 the Germans have some restricted movement and can't fight. Turn 3 the Allies can move and fight except units that start in enemy zoc can't fight. Turn 4 the Germans can move and fight. Turn 5 the Allies have some restricted movement and can't fight. Turn 6 the Germans can move and fight except units that start in enemy zoc can't fight. Otherwise it's a fairly simple game, with a little bit of chrome. The Germans get a special unit to represent the Goliath tank (a small self self propelled bomb, basically), the allies get some naval support and air power, there is an optional rule for paratroop drops, and artillery has some special rules. It probably takes about 6 hours to play, once you 'get' the sequence of play.