After I'd read all the bad press about Hellas, I was concerned. After all, I'd just bought it and was looking for a chance to play it - but all the bad reports (with one or two exceptions) had me worried that I'd bought another dog. Well, the chance came tonight when my son and I sat down to play. He grew up in a gamer's household and cut his teeth on Avalon Hill war games. However, in recent years, with five kids of his own, he only has time for shorter German games. In recent times that has consisted of Battle Cry, Settlers, Pizarro & Co, Carabande, and Piratenbucht. Visiting at Christmas gave us a chance to try Hellas. Ninety minutes later we were both enthralled with the game. I won 10-4 after a long struggle that see-sawed back and forth. None of the run-a-way, can't catch the leader stuff with us. I siezed an early lead and held on 5- 4; 6-5; 7-6; 8-7. But he had been collecting god cards and began to sieze the initiative with a bold thrust into my territory. Soon he had taken the lead 7-6, then 8-5. For a while it see-sawed with him in the lead 8-5; 7-6; 8-5; 7-6. His attacks had thinned him a bit allowing me to have more men to attack his spreading kingdom. Eventually, I was able to garner stronger Ares and Zeus cards and began to fight back. After a long struggle I regained the three cities he had taken from me and seized the lead 8-6. I then played a god card to reduce his hand to 3 cards - then attacked behind his lines with a non-adjacent water attack, a two-city attack, and an "extra man" attack. His back lines had been neglected with only 1 man each guarding three different islands. This final thrust ended the game 10-4. We both felt the tension of wanting (needing) to do far more than we could each turn. The game swayed back and forth with neither of us feeling comfortable with our position until the very end. We found a good balance to the game between the limited number of men, and the number of cities needed to win. This forces the spreading of your forces, and weakens your defense. Early on we felt that the Poseiden cards were important for land grabbing - but get too many islands and you are too thin to defend them. Later, the Zeus and Ares cards were more important. Overall, we both gave it a solid 8 ! I am really anxious to play it again. This is a low-density war game which is far deeper than it appears. For those who like to make the best of fate, make something out of nothing, debate when to expand and when to consolidate, and feel you are always holding on by just a string - this is a very good game. One caveat - this was our first time to play - so perhaps future games will dampen our enthusiasm. However, for now, we both want to go at it again. Frank Hamrick Rocky Mount, NC To unsubscribe: To email the moderators: Spielfrieks on the web -- Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to