I'd like to offer this review of the Warfrog French Revolution game. *** LIBERTE BY WARFROG A review by Glenn Rahman We've been finding some good games lately at the $50+ price range. I had some game store credit and already had all the current games I was looking for, but because I had a time limit, I settled on the French Revolution game LIBERTE. I'd never heard of it, but I liked the subject. A good political game is a treat. My brother Kenneth and I published DOWN WITH THE KING with Avalon Hill back in 1980. JUNTA was pretty good, but ROMAN REPUBLIC was dull and incomprehensible (which was a tough trick to pull off on me, since I read a lot of Roman history and have published two adventure novels with Roman settings). Being designers, Ken and I like to tinker a lot with games that don't come up to snuff. It sometimes seems that many published games have never been seriously tested. So many good premises have such poor delivery. (Sometimes it isn't the designers' fault, we know. DOWN WITH THE KING, for example, was totally hashed in development at AH by one who didn't understand the Baroque era and who got hurt and indignant when we told him what he was doing wrong. After he got through with it, the game had one printing and then blinked out. The box cover was nice though.) All this lead up to me saying that in LIBERTE we found absolutely nothing we wanted to change, to add, or subtract. It didn't need house rules to help it along. It plays smoothly, it plays quickly, it has plenty of period flavor, and it is playable even by girlfriends and little nephews. Its a fairly simple, but not too simple. There are some basic strategies that one learns with experience. Like, it does no good to do the right thing at the wrong time. Anyway, LIBERTE is a great game. Check it out.