Alan Snider - Sep 3, 2006 9:28 pm (#1366 Total: 1366) Solitaire gaming is crap, but I may have to learn to enjoy it. Panzerschreck #15: Raid on Schweinfurt GAMENIGHT, Sept 3/2006: Looks like I am slowly getting back on my horse (heh). I punched the solitaire game contained in Panzerschreck #15, "Raid on Schweinfurt". I decided to start with the historical raid of August 17/1943, this allowed me to see how the system worked as well as playing through a real life situation. It took away from the pure randomness that can occur on any particular bombing run, but I always like trying the historical first in any game that I play. I started off with 145 B-17's in my first wave headed to Regansburg, and 230 B-17's in the second wave headed for Schweinfurt. The first part of the mission involves 'takeoff' and how many planes needed to turn back due to various mishaps/mechanical failure ..etc. I lost a few planes in each wave this way (each block of 20 bombers must be rolled for to determine any losses). Then, the planes proceed to 'assembly', where they meet up with fighter escorts...This is rolled for along with a weather drm (in this case cloudy). From this dieroll the number and effectiveness of fighter escorts is determined. Each wave of bombers is rolled for separately and gets its' own FE factor (fighter effectiveness). The Regansburg run gets 4 FE, while the Schweinfurt run got 3 FE. At this point the player has the option to scratch the mission, but this raises the success VP threshold to 45% (from 40%) to the next bombing mission attempted. The next step is to determine the successfulness of the diversionary missions. In my game, being historical, this was preset as having no effect (no drm). The bombers and their escorts then run into German fighters whose effectiveness is determined by the Luftwaffe aggressiveness table; although in my game it was again a preset variable at "Very aggressive" Yeow. For 60% of bomber run the escort fighters come into play and take the damage if any, after that the bombers start being downed... I took some heavy hits on both waves...rolling high and needing to roll another d10 to assess losses. One then proceeds over the target area to face the flak/anti-aircraft fire...This was another ugly bit of business...While I didn't lose as many bombers to flak as I did to enemy fighters it still took a toll. Finally, one gets to unload the bombs on the target and roll for effectiveness (as a percentage)... In this particular case, each block of 10 surviving bombers gets a roll. I manage to get a total of 29% of the total. There is a drm for weather over the target area as well. The last part of the bombing mission is braving various challenges making it back home to England safely. Much is abstarcted on this table including crash landings and fighter escorts. I lost a few more bombers on the way back. Victory conditions go as follows: If you can destroy 40% or more target damage and lose less than 10% of bombers that set out on the mission you win. If you can achieve the 40% damage with 10% but not more than 19% loss, the game is a draw. Any other result, the Germans win. My scant 29% damage was not even enough for even a draw, but my losses were a respectable 12%. Cool little solitaire quickie (took me less than a 1/2 hour to play).