Lance Weller - 01:46pm Oct 3, 2003 PST (#3278 of 3295) Played through the first Assault Period of Zulu! solitaire this morning and, after getting used to the mechanics (ie: lack of ZoCs, hexes, MPs, attack/defense factors, etc) I found the game to play very smoothly. It's also a lot of fun. Without getting into the minutia of a blow-by-blow, the highlights: Zulus opened with the iNdluyengwe imbutho deploying in Section 1 and making a bee-line for the hospital and the South (wagon) wall. Much to the chagrin and horror of the Brits, I realized I'd neglected to garrison the hospital! Big Mistake. As Chard and a few others manfully started trying to knock holes in the walls and get the Patients out, the Zulus crowded the Hospital on two sides and started setting fires, with the excess warriors mounting shock attacks against the South wall and the wall north of the hospital. The southern attacks got nowhere while the Zulus easily overran the north wall (the small area there only allows about 3 British units to deploy there and they can't hold long in the face of determined natives). By this time, half the hospital was afire but a goodly portion the patients had been evauacted to the large area north of the Commissary (except for poor Mayer who was resting abed until the door crashed in and he was neatly ka-bobbed). Future Victoria Cross recipient Allen heroically did his best to douse the flaming hospital but met with no success--failing his roll again and again. And again. So, the Brits lhave lost the hospital, are driven from the North wall with much bloodshed and maintain a shaky hold on the South wall when the next Zulu iButho is deployed--the inDlondlo in Section 2. These warriors head straight for the Commissary's south wall and the small kraal in the south part of the mission. Good thing for the Zulus they arrived as the inDluyengwes, having sustained 47 hits, Withdraw from the board. But, again, the Brits are in trouble since they've shifted a good # of troops to the north part of the mission to deal with the earlier threat there. The small kraal is easily overrun and there is some fierce fighting in the commissary itself when warriors do a little wall-busting of their own. Soldier Cole's small squad, cut off and unable to retreat, is slaughtered to a man. The hospital patients are shifted, yet again, to the main part of the compound and, just when it looks as though the north wall will be overrun, the Zulus fail their Withdrawl roll and leave the field with 41 hits against the inDlondlos. The second Assault Period, Night, comes next but both sides will have the opportunity to lick their wounds first. Also, the still have a full strength Ibutho, the uThulwana, to bring on-board from the north (the last Section available for deployment). Mechanically, once you get your head wrapped around certain ideas, the game plays very quickly. I was able to play out the first assault period (half the game) in an hour-and-a-half. The game as a miniatures "feel" to it that I like and graphically my only gripes are the hospital spaces aren't large enough to accomodate the counters esepcially when you have patients, fire-markers, soldiers, warriors and broken wall counters on board. Also, there ARE no broken wall markers included in the counter-mix so I had to come up with my own (the small counters from Yaquinto's French Foreign Legion work well for this). I'm lance, that was my report. PS--don't forget to garrison the hospital.