Tunisia 1943 - Vae Victus 1 0- Components of the game The game includes the map, the rule and the counters to cut up and paste. The counters consist of unit counters and of markers. 0.1. Unit Counters Each counter in Tunisia 1943 represents: - either a combat unit, regiment (or brigade for the British); - or a divisional commander (EM) A division includes an EM and from two to four regiments. Because of the complexity of the comings and goings of units during the Tunisian campaign, the identification of the units is sometimes a simplification or a stylisation of the order of battle. The EM symbolizes both the command of each division at a time, and also the support of artillery that he could allocate to such or such of his combat units. Some special units don't have an EM. Rules of combat and of provision simulate the organization within a division. Within the rules , the EM is not regarded as a combat unit when this term is employed. All the other units (regiments or brigades) are considered in the game as combat units. The attack value represents the offensive capacity of an unit. The defense value represents its defensive value. The movement potential represents, in movement points, the ability to move for that unit. The antitank cohesion value represents the resistance of a unit facing an armored attack. When an unit must pass a test of cohesion as indicated in the rules (see 4.3 or 7.3), the player throws two dice and must throw less or equal to the cohesion value of the unit in order to pass the test. Armor symbol. Only the units marked with this symbol (attack value white in a red square) are endowed with armored capacity with regard to the rules, when this term is employed. The illustration pictured on a counter doesn't bestow this ability necessarily. BACKS of the COUNTERS Of COMBAT UNITS Each combat unit counter has, other than the exceptions, a front at full strength and a back at reduced strength. When an unit undergoes one loss following an engagement, its counter is reversed in order to indicate that it is reduced. If a reversed unit undergoes a new loss, it is destroyed. Some units have one only step and are therefore destroyed as soon as the first engagement where they undergo a loss. Some others have four steps. They are not therefore destroyed until a fourth step loss, but they reduced in ability each time. The units with four steps are represented by two counters, used alternately (and not simultaneously). BACKS of the EM COUNTERS The back of the counters of EM fulfil another function. During the turn, the counter is reversed in order to indicate that the EM has consumed his potential artillery support (on the back, symbol of artillery surmounted by a 0), or as soon as he is inactivated by the enemy (see 4.1). At the end of the turn, all the counters of EM are flipped, face up, in order to indicate that they are once again fully operational. 1- Game Turn The game turn is divided into two phases: attacking player phase , then defender phase. The attacker is the Axis player (Campaign 1) or the allied player (Campaign II). In the sequence of the play, the player whose phase it is(the one that acted) is said to be the active player, and the other player is the inactive player. THE GAME PHASES The two phases are similar. Only the units of the active player can act. 1. Choice of the sustained EM: the active player chose which EM he decides to sustain (these divisions will be able to move in the exploitation phase , see rule 10). 2. Movement: the units can move all or part of their movement points. 3. Combat: the units which are adjacent to hostile units could fight. 4. Exploitation: the units whose EM is sustained can once again move. 5. Supply Check: the active player verifies the supply status of all his units. (then same phase for the other player). Once that the phases of the two players are ended, the turn is ended: one reverses the EM markers of the two players, face up, in order to indicate that the artillery is all over again available. The aviation markers are again available. The Turn marker is advanced by one turn. 2-Terrain The map represents Tunisia; the Algerian border (without a role in the game) is indicated by a dotted red line. A hexagonal grid is superimposed on the map in order to facilitate the movement and combat of the units. 2.1- Effects of terrain The effects on combat or movement are shown on the table of terrain. Three specified cases: - wadis: the Tunisian courses of water are considered as flooded during the first three turns of the 1st Campaign. Two modifiers are therefore given on the table for this terrain (a wadi is a dried river in North Africa). - roads: a road could not be used unless a unit moves hex by hex joined by an outline of road. The utilization of a road nullifies the cost in movement points of a river or of a wadi. - mountains: a unit doesn't exercise a zone of control (see rule 3) beyond a crest of mountain. 3- Zone of control (ZoC) Definition Each combat unit does exercise a zone of control (ZoC) into the six adjacent hex (except into impassable terrain). This zone represents the terrain that the unit controls thanks to its combat ability (by hypothesis, the unit is deployable in combat positions around the hex on which is placed its counter). An unit must stop its movement when it enters a hostile ZoC. An unit cannot move directly from enemy ZoC to enemy ZoC, whether it is a ZoC from one or several units. It is on the other hand possible to leave a hostile ZoC into a free hex, and then enter another enemy ZoC during the same movement phase. Armored breakthrough- special movement that allows a unit to cross a ZoC (see 4.3)-, is allowed only to units endowed with armor capacity (red square). 4.0 Movement 4.1 Generalities In the movement phase, the active player could move his units up to their maximum movement points. The movement of every unit must be ended before passing to another (except joint movement in one armor breakthrough, see 4.3). An unit spends a number of movement points according to the cost of the hex into which it moves. The cost of movement of every type of terrain is specified on the of terrain chart. The movement points are not cumulative from turn to turn. An unit must stop its movement when it enters a hostile ZoC (exception: armor breakthrough, see 4.3). Whatever the cost of movement into a terrain type, an unit can always move one hex. (except impassable terrain and movement from ZoC to ZoC). It is forbidden to move onto an hex occupied by a hostile unit, except if it was an EM (see 4.2). 4.2- Movement onto a hostile EM Consuming two of it movement points in addition of cost of terrain, a combat unit could enter a hex occupied by a hostile EM not stacked with an enemy combat unit. In this case, the EM has to move back one hex (at the choice of inactive player), with the effects attached to it (see retreat after combat rule 7.5), and he cannot use his capacity of artillery for this turn anymore (the EM counter is flipped, Face down). This movement onto an EM can be executed in either movement phase or in exploitation phase. 4.3- Armored Breakthrough An armor unit, which moves alone or stacked with another unit, itself not armor, could execute an armored breakthrough in order to cross a hostile ZoC. If a non armored unit wishes to move with an armor unit, the two units must be on the same hex at the beginning of their movement phase, but they could finish their movement seperately. Procedure: In entering in a hostile ZoC, the active player could declare an armor breakthrough. He nominates the adjacent hex to which his unit wishes to go, this hex could be free or be in a hostile ZoC. The inactive player can voluntarily let pass an opposing unit that declares an armor breakthrough. If he doesn't wish to let the unit cross, the inactive player makes a cohesion test for all his units who do exercise a ZoC on the hex where the armor unit is. He throws the dice once for all his units (that is to say that he doesn't throw the dice for each unit, but for all at one time). 1. If no unit of inactive player passed its test, the armor unit could advance in the indicated hex, in spending the normal cost in movement points. It could continue its movement normally if it has some available points, and it could attempt a new armor breakthrough immediately or later in its movement if it wishes to cross another hostile ZoC. 2. If at least one unit of inactive player passed its test, the unit armor stops its movement in the ZoC enemy that it attempted to leave. It cannot move further during this movement phase. On the other hand, it has to attack the unit who passed its test, in the following combat phase and no other (but stacked units must be attacked together). This compulsory combat can be combined with attacks done by some other units of the active player against the same hostile unit. If several hostile units pass their test, the inactive player could choose the unit that stops the breakthrough armor among those that passed, knowing that it will be inevitably attacked in the following combat phase. 5- Stacking 5.1- Generalities Two combat units maximum can stacked together on a hex simultaneously, except for the exceptions below. This limitation applies also at the time of initial placement, but it doesn't apply during the movement phase, that is to say that the units can move without taking into account stacking, but they cannot be voluntarily stacked more than two at the end of the movement phase. It is forbidden to perform armored breakthrough in a hex where there is already a friendly unit , if this movement creates a overstack. Exceptions to the restriction: the following do not influence stacking: - the nationality; - the EM counters; - the Tiger units (see 12). 6- Leaders and artillery support. 6.1- Generalities Each headquarters (EM) represents the commanders of a division as well as its artillery. Each EM has under his command from 2 to 4 combat units that are attached to him. When an EM is destroyed, these units are reduced in effectiveness (see 6.3). Some combat units don't have a EM, they are so-called non divisional units. They are subject to certain particular rules (see 6.2 and 10). 6.2- Artillery Each fresh EM has from 1 to 3 points of artillery that he could use in order to support his organic units at the time of a fight. Each point mat only be used once per game turn, either in attacks, or in defense. In order to indicate the points still available, the players can place artillery markers under the EM as a reminder. An EM who has no artillery left is flipped, face down, up to the end of the turn. When the active player declares an attack, he could place one or several points of artillery, to the limit of the EM concerned, on an organic unit that participates in this fight. The inactive player can then react in the same way for the attacked unit. Each point of artillery modifies the dice of result by + 1 (active player) or by -1 (inactive player), these modifications accumulating. The active player cannot add a point after the inactive player has placed his/hers/its. In the case of combat involving units of several divisions (limited by the rule of coordination of the divisions, see 8), all the EM of the involved units could place some artillery points, solely on their organic units, but which can be added with points of other divisions. In any case, a player could not assign more than 3 points of artillery to a combat resolutiont. An unit not attached to an EM could not receive points of artillery, except if he attacks or defends with a divisional unit. An unit situated to more than 4 hex from his EM could receive a maximum of one point of artillery. In the case of an attack from several hex, it is sufficient that some partcipating units are under the limit of the 4 hex of his EM, so that this restriction doesn't apply. 6.3- Destruction of an EM An EM could not engage in combat and is vulnerable to hostile attacks when he is isolated. If he is attacked in the combat phas by an enemy unit when he is alone, an EM is automatically destroyed (the attacker must declare an attack with one of his adjacent units). If an EM stacked with at least one friendly unit, and if this unit comes to be destroyed by result of fight or obligation of retreat, the EM is destroyed. Otherwise, he is not affected, whether retreating or when a step loss is called for (he doesn't lose therefore his supporting capacity of artillery). When an EM is destroyed, he retired from the game and placed on the turn track , two turns after the one in progress (ex.: destroyed on turn 1, placed turn 3). at the end of the indicated turn, the EM is replaced on the map by the player, within 4 hex of an unit of the division. If all the units of a division are destroyed, the EM is not replaced. Similarly, an EM is retired as soon as all the combat units under his command are destroyed. The units of a destroyed EM are automatically and immediately not in supply (see rule 9), until the return of the EM. As soon as the EM is replaced on map, all the units of the division are again in supply - provided that they could trace a line of supply. 7-Combat 7.1- Generalities During the combat phase, the active player could attack hostile units with his adjacent units. This fight is obligatory for units having failed their armor breakthrough. An unit cannot attack more than once per turn, and a hostile unit could not be attacked more than once per tirn . The attack against an isolated EM, even though the result is automatic, counts as an attack for the unit who executes it. All the adjacent units to a hostile unit could add their strengths in order to carry out a joint attack (see the rule of coordination of the divisions, 8). It is forbidden of leading an attack against several hex at a time (every hex are attacked independently). All the hostile units situated on a hex must be attacked together. Two units to the maximum can attack from the same hex (unit excepted Tiger). Every attack is declared and resolved independently. It doesn't have to be in any particular order. 7.2- Resolution The combat resolution is carried out strictly in the following order: 1. One calculates the ratio of the points of attack and of defense, rounded down (to the advantage of defender). The defense can have previously have modified by the terrain (x 2 in city). Example: two units of British infantry (4 of attack each one) attacks an Italian unit (3 of defense). Calculation of strength: 8 against 3, is a ratio of 2/ 1. 2. The two players choose simultaneously up to two points of aviation to intervene (see rule of aviation, 11). 3. The active player, then the inactive player, places their points of artillery on the involved units. 4. Test of antitank cohesion (see 7.3). 5. Finally, the active player throws the dice, applies the modifiers of artillery and the terrain modifiers and reads the results on the combat table. 7.3- Test of antitank cohesion If an armor unit (red square) participates in an attack, the inactive player must pass a test of cohesion (same procedure that for the armor breakthrough) for all his units: he throws the dice once for all his units. If no unit succeeds the test, the ratio of strength is altered by one column in favor of the attacker (2/ 1 becomes 3/ 1; 1/ 1 becomes 3/ 2, etc.). If at least one unit passes the test, the modifier doesn't apply. The presence of an unit armor at the defender does not affect this test, but their cohesion value is often higher that the infantry units. Precisions Before resolving an attack, a player can calculate the combat ratio, but he cannot change his decision after the allocation of avaition points (and after the antitank cohesion test). Ratios superior to 4/ 1 are considered like 4/ 1, but for every column of attack higher than 4/ 1, the attacker benefits +1 to the dice roll. An attack with an unit armor at 4/ 1 who bestows armor superiority (one column to right) permits therefore of benefitting of one + 1. Ditto for each point of aviation. It is forbidden to declare an attack with a ratio lower than 1/ 2 (exception: obligatory attack following the failure of an armor breakthrough). An attack which becomes inferior to 1/ 2 due to the effect of aviation is resolved at 1/ 2, with - 1 to the die per column lower than 1/ 2. 7.4- Combat Results Broken assault: every unit of the attacker loses one step. Repulsed assault: one attacker's unit loses a step. Failed assault: the assault is led without ardor or is canceled. Result nothing. Fierce fight: the attacker's unit and an unit of defender lose each one step. Disorganized defense: an unit of defender loses one step and, all his units move back one hex Submerged defense: the defender must distribute two step losses on his units, and all his units must move back two hex * : this symbol indicates that the units in defense lose their ZoC for the exploitation phase that follows. Placing a Loss of ZoC marker on the units. Surrender: all the units on defense are destroyed. At all events, the concerned player is free to distribute the losses on his units at his choice. The defender distributed his losses in first 7.5- Retreat after combat At the time of a retreat imposed by a combat result, the following rules applies: - · if all the adjacent hexes are occupied by some hostile units (EM included), the units lose two steps (this wil destroy most of the units in the game) and do not retreat. - if all the adjacent hexes are in enemy ZoC and none are occupied by a friendly unit, the units are retreated and each lose one step. If at least one hex is occupied by a friendly unit , the retreating units do so (without any osses). - an unit could not retreat into a impassable hex, and lose two steps if it doesn't have some other alternative route of retreat. If a retreat after combat creates overstacking (more than two units by hex), the units in retreat must continue their retreat (with the effects which attach to it) until they reach a hex who could accomodate them. 7.6- Advance after combat The active player could advance his units who participated in the combat into vacant hex (either by the retreat or the elimination of the adversary), but two units maximum could advance in this way. The cost of terrain and/ or the presence of hostile ZoC doesn't influence this advance. The advances in question are limited to one hex, even though the defender has retreated several hex 8- Coordination of the divisions This rule limits the possibility of joint attacks with units of several divisions. In no case can the units of more than two divisions participate in a common attack against some hostile units. Besides, in the 1st campaign, the Allies cannot attack with units of different nations during the first three turns. No penalty applies in defense if some units of different divisions are stacked together on an attacked hex 9- Supply 9.1- Generalities The supply rules simulates the needs in munition, in fuel and in supplies of a unit. In order to be in supply, a combat unit could trace a line of supply to his EM, who himself be in supply. 9.la- Line of supply In order to be in supply, an unit must be capable of tracing a route of hex free of all enemy combat unit, EM or ZoC to his point of supply. A friendly unit in a hex nullifies a hostile ZoC exercised on this hex, for this rule only. The point of supply of a combat unit is his EM. The point of supply of an EM is a map edge , a city or a harbor of that nationality (see 9.lb). 9.lb- Supply of the EM 1. The Allied EM must be capable of tracing a line of supply as shown below below: American army, French army (except L Force), 1st British army: Tebessa, a main road hex on the west edge. VIIlth British army (including French L force): south edge. 2. The Italio-Germans EM could trace a line of supply to the harbors of Tunis or of Bizerte. All the units of an out of supply EM are considered to be out of supply. The units who don't have an EM trace their line of supply like an EM. 9.2- Out of supply Units and EM An out of supply unit cannot have artillery support. Its attack value falls to 1, its defense value of defense is divided by two (rounded up), its cohesion is decreased by 1. It cannot use more than one movement point. It preserves its ZoC. One places an out of supply marker scorer on the unit. An out of supply EM cannot use his points of artillery. It may only use two movement points. 9.3- Verification of supply The supply check for every unit makes at the end of the phase for each player, but solely for the units of player who has just acted. That is to say that a unit surrounded during the enemy phase gets a normal phase in order to break the encirclement before being deprived of supply. In the same way, an out of supply unit loses this unfavorable status at the end of the phase of player if it could trace a line of supply to that moment. 10- Exploitation Right before the movement phase, the active player could choose a certain number of EM, the number given for each campaign, three maximum - to be sustained. These EM and all their units can then, during the exploitation phase, move all over again at their full movement rating. No unit can enter the ZoC of an enemy unit during this phase (one can on the other hand leave a ZoC at the beginning of the phase). The units that are not attached to an EM can never be sustained, and cannot therefore exploit (except the Tiger units ). All the German armored divisions (Panzerdivision) and the Tiger units are always considered sustained. 11- Aviation The two players dispose of a maximum of three points of aviation representing the missions for supporting fire of the tactical aviation. In the setting of this game, strategic aviation is not represented, except for by the arrival date of some reinforcements and by the loss of Italio-German supply in May 1943. Use of the aviation Before every combat, the two players could place simultaneously and in secret their aviation markers. Every player can add one or two points of aviation (to the maximum) to a combat before his resolution, and they reveal their choice simultaneously. Every point of aviation used by the two camps for the same combat neutralizes the other and there is no effect. Otherwise, every point not neutralized moves the combat ratio one column, to the advantage of player who has aerial superiority. Once that a player placed all his counters of aviation, he cannot place anymore, during the course of the same turn, to counter the following aerial attacks. Like the artillery, every point of aviation can only be used once per turn, either in attacks, or in defense. 12- Tiger tank units The German player has two Tiger tank units, representing the action of schwere Panzer Abteilung 501 (every counter represents a half battalion). The Tiger units are not attached to a division. A Tiger counter (and one only) can stack in addition of the limit of two units per hex, and this counter can also participate in combat in addition of the limit of two per hex In addition of its intrinsic combat capacity, a Tiger counter reduces the cohesion value by 2 for all hostile units, that is in the movement phase or in a combat phase. This modifier doesn't accumulate. In defense or in hostile movement phase, Tiger units have an automatic antitank cohesion value (the Tiger counter includes a star to the room of number indicating the cohesion value). Its presence immunizes all the units of the hex on which it is stacked, against an armor breakthrough. Campaign rules: Garrisons of the Axis harbors. Tunis and Bizerte are each occupied by a garrison Italio-German, not represented by a counter. The defensive value of this garrison is 3, not modifiable, but cumulative with other units. Its antitank cohesion value is 8. The garrison cannot move and doesn't exercise a ZoC. It is not affected by retreat results , but it is eliminated as the first step loss assigned by the Axis player. It doesn't count for stacking. 1st campaign Initiative to the Axis (Jan - March 43) The campaign covers the end of January to mid March1943. The game lasts 8 turns. The player Italio-German is the attacker. EM sustained Aviation: turns 1 and 2 turns 3 to 8 Axis 3 2 3 Allies 1 0 1 The value of cohesion of the American units is diminished by 2 for the first four turns. By reason of the tactical German superiority and of disagreements at the heart of Allied command, the Allied stacking is limited to one unit per hex during the first two turns. Besides, interallied attack are not possible during the first three turns (see 8). At least one Tiger counter must begin with a unit of the 10. Panzer. The other will be stacked with any other unit on turn 1 on the West front. Condition of victory The Axis wins if he controls Tébessa (see definition below),and three units exit by a main road off the west side of the map, in Algeria. If the player Allied control Tunis or Bizerte at the end of the game, the player Italio-German must forfill the two conditions of specified victory above in order to win. If the Allied player controls the two harbors at the end of the game, the player of the Axis loses automatically. The player Italio-German controls Tébessa if a supplied combat unit is in it at the end of a game turn. II campaign The Allied offensive (March May 1943) The campaign unwinds from the the end of March to Mid May 1943. The game lasts 7 turns. The Allied player is the attacker. EM sustained Aviation: Allies 3 3 Axis 2 2 Shortage of gas of the Axis: To the turns 6 and 7, all the units of player Italio-German are reduced to 3 movement points (or less according to the counter). The German aviation points are retired at the end of the 6th turn. At least one counter Tiger must begin with a unit of the 10. Panzer. The other counter will be stacked with any unit of the players choice, on the west front only (see setup). Condition of victory The Allied player must occupy Tunis and Bizerte at the end of the game. All other results are a victory Italio-German.