12May19 VG NATO Counter Identification Info (second printing, 1/84) ----------------------------------------------------------- PM = 2nd Polish Army SM = 3rd Polish Army Boleslav = 1st Czech Army Olomouc = 4th Czech Army A person who said he was one of the original playtesters for NATO has stated that the only reason the Warsaw Pact units in Czechoslovakia are colored orange is because of color printing limitations that existed at the time of publication, and that this does not denote all these units as being Czechoslovakian. The various Warsaw Pact nationalities are denoted by lower-case letters on the counters, as follows: c = Czechoslovakia (eg. c3/Bol) e = East Germany (eg. e11/1GT) p = Poland (eg. p5T/SM) All units without lower-case designations are Soviet. Thus, there is a mix of East German and Soviet units in East Germany, Polish and Soviet units in Poland, and Czech and Soviet units in Czechoslovakia. These nationalities are given for historical reference only and have no effect on game play.