Hi all, I have some rules variants to propose for VITW. Any comments are appreciated. [18.34] Interdiction Missions Add a paragraph after the first which reads: "An Interdiction marker has an effect in a hex radius equal to its strenght. In the hex containing the marker, the interdiction value is equal to the marker's strenght. Substract 1 to the value for each hex away from the marker up to the affected radius." Rationale: Interdiction Missions are rarely used in my games because with the number of roads available on the map, it is not cost-effective. Giving a wider area of effect to these missions will make their use much more worthwhile, including for the Allies. In that respect, I don't think it tips off play balance too much. Besides, more opportunities to hit ground targets also means more risk to lose an AP to AA fire. [20.0] Bridges Add: [20.33] During the Bridging Phase, a player can build a bridge across any friendly river hexside. This DOES count against the limit of two bridges repairs anywhere on the map given in 20.32. Rationale: Sometimes, under the RAW (Rules as Written), the German Player almost prays that the Allied will defend a river so he will have a chance to build a BH (thus a bridge) following a successful attack. If you can build a temporary bridge while under fire or immediately following a river crossing with rubber boats, why can't you build one on purpose while everything is quiet in the sector? Especially when the rules include the abstract presence of bridging units. This proposed rule will make the situation a little easier for the Germans in terms of supply lines but remember a bridge built like that does NOT include a road, so the three-hex off road limit is still in force. Also, waiting for the Bridging Phase to build one is still not as flexible and timely than during Combat, so the rule in itself does not alleviate the "pervert effect" of the RAW. But at least, the presence or absence of a river does not have so much importance anymore. [20.4] Bridgeheads Add to the second bullet of [20.42]: "A BH can also be placed across a Fortress (not FZ) hexside, even if not attacking across a river." Rationale: It seems odd to me that you can breach a Fortress when attacking across a river, but you cannot do it from open ground. Keep in mind however that a BH is not a LZ, thus the -2 DRM is still in effect. Thx Benoit blarose@sympatico.ca "Sans peur et sans reproches"