From: "Frank Hamrick" Subject: [BCML] Team Battle Cry Last night four generals hovered around two Battle Cry boards and decided to play a four-player version. First, we abutted two boards side by side, then set up the exact same scenario on each board (Brawners Farm). Both guys playing the North sat on one side of the table facing the two Southern Generals. Turns were taken in counter-clockwise direction with the two Southern Generals playing first, then the North. Thus, the order was South A, South B, North A, North B. This way, South A and North B faced each other and used the same deck of cards. South B and North A likewise faced each other and used a different deck. Map Rules: Where the boards abut, the generals are coupled. Each couple is considered a single hex for movement and shooting purposes. Thus, units from either board may occupy the pictures of a general. If they occupy either general they are considered to occupy both generals. Units, however, may NOT cross from one board to the other, but may shoot from one board to the other, following normal line-of-sight rules. The hexes between the generals (the short rows on the maps) are considered as separate hexes on each board. Card Rules: During the game a player could look at his allied general's hand and could agree to a "swap" of one card each turn. (To do this we had to have the two decks marked so they wouldn't get mixed up. Fortunately, one deck was incased in plastic sleeves and the other was not - thus, after the "swapped" cards were used, they were put back in the appropriate discard pile.) By "swapping" neither player ever had more than the card limit of the scenario. Players could also privately discuss their strategies and plans. Victory: The first team to capture a total of 9 flags won the battle. Results: It did NOT double the game length. It was great fun - with all four of us loving it. The trading of cards was used far more than shooting across the board, even though that did alter the movement of the South to some extent (they moved their men on the right flank of the left board toward the center of that board, so as to avoid the artillery on the North right flank). The South won 9 flags to 7 due to "getting all the cards" (two Bombardments, 3 forced marches, and the all-out offensive), and the North getting only 1 bombardment, and 2 forced marches. The North used their forced march at the end and had a chance to even the match at 8 flags each, but three terrible dice, getting only 4 infantry kills in 10 dice thrown! This left them vulnerable to a South counterattack that destroyed what was left of the North. All in all - a great game. We would make one rule change: Card swapping is limited to one card per round and MUST take place before the first player of a side makes his move each round (i.e.., South A & B swap any single card they hold, then South A moves, and draws a replacement card, South B moves and draws; Then North A & B swap any single card, then North A, followed by North B move and replace cards. This procedure is repeated round by round until the game end.) Frank Hamrick _______________________________________ To visit the BattleCry2000 message archives, or to change your settings, participate in polls, create a database and much more, visit us at: