Editorial Variety, we are constantly being told, is the spice of life and that being so I feel sure that you will not be disappointed with the contents of Phoenix 3 which range from Napoleon at Waterloo to Fantasy, Teutonic Knights to Resistance fighters of WW II. Variety is also the thought behind a number of the feedback questions in this issue. In these early days we still feel the need to probe and reconnoitre to establish exactly what you, the subscriber, want from The Phoenix. If we can broaden it's appeal with a wider variety of subject matter this could strengthen The Phoenix and might possibly entice more and more people to contribute. Even though we can now offer you a flow of articles from regular contributors it is still.vital that we receive material from as many people as possible. Indeed, it is even more vital if The Phoenix is to be the platform for many opinions, as is our hope, and not just a few. As things stand at present we are, in fact, managing to steadily build up our 'article bank' for future issues but we do need to have a great deal more material available to draw on before we can really plan issues well in advance. Just to wet your appetite a little, some of the articles in the pipeline include: additional scenarios for 'Legion', 'Yeoman' and 'Third Reich'; modifications to 'Foxbat & Phantom', 'Borodino', 'Tank!', 'Sniper'; reviews and critiques on 'Westwall Quads', 'Jerusalem', 'Sorcerer'; Strategy and tactics to employ in 'Kingmaker', 'Oil War' and 'Global War'.. and many others. Not all will appear in the next issue (!) but if variety really is the spice of life--stick with us 'cause things is hotting up!