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Spotlight Articles

Outstanding articles that are not necessarily linked to one particular game, but may have broad appeal to gamers.

Prague 1757

Spotlight Article Graphic

"...a near-run battle, with both sides making tactical mistakes that could have easily flipped the victory." Jeff Berry, in Obscure Battles, brings us an insightful view of this Seven Years War engagement, along with his splendid maps. Find out how the clash was a near thing, despite the fact that "...the campaign up to the battle was masterfully played out by Frederick, Schwerin and the other Prussian commanders."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 9/13/2024

Triangle Simulation Society: Southern Front 2024 Convention

Spotlight Article Graphic

Triangle Simulation Society of North Carolina will be hosting their Wargame Convention featuring Historical Miniatures and other gaming on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of September 2024.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 9/9/2024

Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 11-13 October

Spotlight Article Graphic

Join the Dragoons for a convention with "...multiple tables for wargaming events, plus a large table for all-day monster wargaming across extended sessions."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 9/3/2024

Sword Lore II: M 1852 Prussian Cavalry Saber

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Having recently completed the research for a newly acquired sword, I thought I'd share what I've come up with...". Ed M brings us a fascinating, detailed look at a recent acquisition!

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 9/2/2024

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Gaming Conventions

Gaming Conventions

Another new feature for Grognard.com, the Gaming Convention calendar will make it a snap to keep up with all the latest gaming conventions in your area. But we need your gaming convention information, so please contribute.

Grognard News

Grognard Challenge - Expanded Room for Comments! (6/25/2023)

The Comments entry area has been resized to 512 characters.

Grognard Opponents Wanted (9/14/2022)

New Opponents Wanted function. You can now set your ad expiration date, up to one year. Requires site registration.

Gaming Conventions

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Grognard Originals

In addition to our links to great content all around the internet, expect to see more Grognard.com "originals" in the future.

PE TANG 1900 Q&A with Marco Campari

Some Q & A between myself and Marco Campari, designer of Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Strategy Tips

This is the strategy I developed after playing Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Optional Line of Sight Table

Here is an optional table to make it a little more difficult to eliminate the Boxer artillery.

PE TANG 1900 Introductory War Game Review

My review for this great introductory war game concerning an obscure siege of a cathedral during the Boxer Rebellion. Use this game to recruit new war game players.

More Grognard Originals...

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Game: Defiance: 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War 2022-?


Publisher: GMT Games
Game Type: Board
Designer(s): Mark Herman & David Dockter
Search for this and related games with Noble Knight


Defiance: 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War 2022-? Volume 1: Miracle on the Dnipro 2022 (“Defiance”) covers the initial 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine with the Kyiv and Chernihiv campaigns from February 24, 2022 to roughly April 1, 2022. Defiance builds upon Victory Games’ (Mark Herman’s) Flashpoint Golan (1991), adds a strategic political component, and updates the system for modern multi-domain warfare/the expanded revolution in military affairs (eRMA).


Article ID
Pub Date
Article Description
Date: 5/29/2024
Poster: Doug Holt
Defiance Design Happy Hour: Modeling the Combat of 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War

"Fighting words." In a discussion about the oft referenced "3 to 1 rule", and how it should apply to this game project, designers D. B. Dockter and Mark Herman consider what technology has done or not done to key combat power influences: are these modern engagements more influenced by "Quality, Time, Size and ...Artillery", the fact that "...the proliferation of cheap networked unmanned systems has replaced the 20th century’s reliance on large expensive sensor platforms...", or is it something else?
Web Link
Date: 4/10/2024
Poster: Doug Holt
Defiance Design Happy Hour: Modeling the Political Dimension of 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War

"If military operations are included in power politics games, they are heavily abstracted. What about the other way around? Military simulations including a strong political dimension?" Designers D. B. Dockter and Mark Herman offer the next in their series of articles on designing a simulation of an ongoing conflict, this time focusing on the impact of political elements on the struggle. Check out the factors that they feel "...will generate a strong narrative, provide players with a better understanding of political dynamics and, most importantly, create a 'richer' simulation experience."
Web Link
Date: 3/27/2024
Poster: Doug Holt
Defiance Design Happy Hour: Partisan/SOF Operations vs. Regular Russian Forces

"The 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War has forced us to re-examine how we model modern warfare." Designers D. B. Dockter and Mark Herman continue their series of articles on designing a simulation of an ongoing conflict, this time focusing on the fight's irregular element. Check out how they are designing on the fly: "After repeated playtesting, we concluded that neither [mechanic] really did a good job of modeling partisan/SOF encounters with regular Russian forces. So, we had to invent...".
Web Link
Date: 12/1/2023
Poster: Doug Holt
First Draft of History: Designing a Military Simulation of the Russo-Ukraine War 2022-2023

"A book? A movie? An HBO series? How about a military simulation ('wargame') of the heroic struggle of Ukraine? ... Wiser men and women would avoid. But not us fools." Designers D. B. Dockter and Mark Herman discuss their approach to creating Ukraine 2022!, addressing an ongoing conflict! Check out the insights and quips as they forge ahead: "Ukraine 2022! should go on preorder in December 2023, and, with any luck, be published in 2024. ... Or some other event on the Richard Berg random events table could pop up."
Web Link