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Spotlight Articles

Outstanding articles that are not necessarily linked to one particular game, but may have broad appeal to gamers.

John Hill (game designer)

Spotlight Article Graphic

Here is a reference page for John Hill, a war game designer, who designed games in the early 1970’s including Bar-Lev and Squad Leader.

Poster: Pat L.
Post Date: 2/15/2025

My top anticipated wargames of 2025

Spotlight Article Graphic

"It is a pretty broad selection, containing solitaire, two-player and multiplayer titles, recent conflicts or very ancient ones." Michal, in The Boardgames Chronicle, takes his annual look at his most anticipated new titles. Check out which game has him concluding "I simply could not pass on this."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 2/5/2025

RBM Studio Update: The Palisades Fire

Spotlight Article Graphic

Rodger MacGowan has seen his home and RBM Studio facility destroyed in the Palisades fire in California. His son Steven has set up a gofundme account where you can learn what happened and offer recovery help if you wish.

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 1/24/2025

Obituary: Alan Emrich, game designer and writer, has died

Spotlight Article Graphic

The site Game Developer brings us news of the passing of this industry titan.

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 1/10/2025

2024 Christmas Newsletter

Spotlight Article Graphic

"Hopefully all the socks and after shave that one could ever dream of, have graced your Christmas stocking and perhaps a wargame treat or two has sneaked in and brought a smile!" Norm Smith, in Battlefields and Warriors, brings us another entertaining sum up of his wargaming year!

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/25/2024

Pournelle on “Does it matter if you call it a wargame?”

Spotlight Article Graphic

"Much of what the Department of Defense calls wargaming is not actually wargaming, and that matters." Rex Brynen, in PAXsims, taps in on a discussion by analyst and former officer Phil Pournelle on what passes for "wargaming" in the DOD. "Failing to wargame properly in advance may mean having to learn in actual combat and risk it all."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/20/2024

Princeton 1777

Spotlight Article Graphic

"...this one proved to be the decisive battle that really cemented the American survival in the early months of the Revolution." Jeff Berry, in Obscure Battles, covers the fascinating follow-up engagement to Trenton. Check out the action as "Just when everything seemed to be falling apart, Washington came galloping up."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/13/2024

More Spotlight articles...

Gaming Conventions

Gaming Conventions

Another new feature for Grognard.com, the Gaming Convention calendar will make it a snap to keep up with all the latest gaming conventions in your area. But we need your gaming convention information, so please contribute.

Grognard News

Grognard Challenge - Expanded Room for Comments! (6/25/2023)

The Comments entry area has been resized to 512 characters.

Grognard Originals

In addition to our links to great content all around the internet, expect to see more Grognard.com "originals" in the future.

PE TANG 1900 Q&A with Marco Campari

Some Q & A between myself and Marco Campari, designer of Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Strategy Tips

This is the strategy I developed after playing Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Optional Line of Sight Table

Here is an optional table to make it a little more difficult to eliminate the Boxer artillery.

PE TANG 1900 Introductory War Game Review

My review for this great introductory war game concerning an obscure siege of a cathedral during the Boxer Rebellion. Use this game to recruit new war game players.

More Grognard Originals...

Grognard Challenge

Latest Challenge

Have a look at the graphics for the latest Challenge and see past solutions and contest winners.

Recommended (archives)

Wargaming - General Info

Board Wargames

Miniatures Wargames

Computer Wargames

Academic Gaming

Board Games

Internet Based/PBEM Games

Individual Wargamer Blogs

Wargaming Magazines

Asst Software/Player Aides

In Memoriam

Grognards Lost

S T U V W X Y Z '-9
Methods of Playing Games via the Internet

Internet/Network Based Games and PBEM

(Archived Page)

Page last updated on 2/26/2021

The Internet can be used as a medium to play games. Playing this way overcomes the lack of local opponents and games are available whenever you want. Any board game can be Played By EMail (PBEM), as distinct from Playing By postal Mail (PBM). Please review the links below for more information. Please feel free to contact us with additions or corrections to the links below.


Playing Games via the Internet

There are a mailing list for discussing PBM games in general.

Richard Rognlie maintains a generic PBEM server which automatically runs a growing number of abstract board games.

BrettspielWelt allows live play of popular German board games over the Internet.

Imagine Image Multimedia - We broadcast miniature wargames!!!    [Updated on 24-Dec-2017]
On our site, you’ll find various links and applications that we use to conduct a miniatures game live, using Pan Tilt Zoom IP cameras, a/v chat software for audio and webcam conversations, and other features. Broadcasting miniatures games has come along way since the early days of our development in the technology. Members who wish to participate in the online game need only have a computer and chat function app to issue audio instructions to the judge running the game!


Board Wargames via Internet/Email

To PBEM a board wargame involves opponents exchanging records of the position and actions of units and rolling dice to determine outcomes. Software is available to help you do this.

Support for just about all the above packages is offered by PBeM Emporium.

There are a number of die rolling services for use in PBEM:-

A UNIX shell script and C source code for building an email die roller is available.

There is a dedicated die roller for Victory in the Pacific: email the word 'help' to [email protected] for details.

Aide-de-Card (DOS), is a PBeM aid for two-player card games and card based games such as Up Front, We The People, Hannibal, or Down in Flames. Aide-de-Card allows players to set up a game by editing a description file that defines the cards in the deck:-

  • create a deck of cards using an ASCII text file
  • shuffle the deck, deal cards, play cards, etc
  • pass the "deck" between players as an ASCII text file

Thoth is a PBWeb card tool which manages cards (shuffling, drawing, flipping cards and so on. It can be used to play by email (PBEM) or as a "virtual tabletop" where two participants use custom decks in a live match. It can handle card-based games like Up Front, Down in Flames and, in the near future, should be capable of handling games like Hannibal.

The Automated Card Tracking System is a PBEM aid for handling the cards used in 30 Years War, Blue vs Gray, For The People, Hannibal, Paths of Glory, Republic of Rome, Successors, Titan, We The People and Wilderness War but can have other card sets added.

Cryptographic software can be used in PBEM for hidden movement, hidden picks, allowing players to both GM and play in a multiplayer PBEM and to validate secret treaties. Sealed virtual envelopes can also be used for hidden movement.

Opponents for many board wargames can be found by posting to: Consim-l, rec.games.board, rec.games.pbm or the Consimworld Discussion Board. Eric Pass maintains a list of board wargames people want to PBEM. Taiaut!is a free site (in French) for gamers wanting to PBEM games by Avalon hill, Victory Games, The Gamers, Clash of Arms, and so on.

 For a small fee you can find opponents by joining the Avalon Hill Intercontinental Kriegspiel Society (AHIKS), an international, non-profit organization dedicated to PBM and PBEM board wargaming. A rating system for AHIKS members exists called AREA for PBM games.

Hexwar.com offers the interactive online play of a number of SPI and Decision Games board wargames. Vassal offers real-time play (using Java) of a growing range of games..

Finally there is a web page which runs miniature wargames via the web, allowing players to view battles by means of photographs.


Computer Wargames

Sites organising PBEM/networked computer wargames:

PBEM facilities for particular computer wargames:

Some computer games can be played interactively via the Internet: the Multiplayer Combat Simulations page gives a list of these.


Network Wargames/Games

There are a growing number of games which can only be played via a network, typically the Internet. Collections of such games can be found at: