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Spotlight Articles

Outstanding articles that are not necessarily linked to one particular game, but may have broad appeal to gamers.

My top anticipated wargames of 2025

Spotlight Article Graphic

"It is a pretty broad selection, containing solitaire, two-player and multiplayer titles, recent conflicts or very ancient ones." Michal, in The Boardgames Chronicle, takes his annual look at his most anticipated new titles. Check out which game has him concluding "I simply could not pass on this."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 2/5/2025

RBM Studio Update: The Palisades Fire

Spotlight Article Graphic

Rodger MacGowan has seen his home and RBM Studio facility destroyed in the Palisades fire in California. His son Steven has set up a gofundme account where you can learn what happened and offer recovery help if you wish.

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 1/24/2025

Obituary: Alan Emrich, game designer and writer, has died

Spotlight Article Graphic

The site Game Developer brings us news of the passing of this industry titan.

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 1/10/2025

2024 Christmas Newsletter

Spotlight Article Graphic

"Hopefully all the socks and after shave that one could ever dream of, have graced your Christmas stocking and perhaps a wargame treat or two has sneaked in and brought a smile!" Norm Smith, in Battlefields and Warriors, brings us another entertaining sum up of his wargaming year!

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/25/2024

Pournelle on “Does it matter if you call it a wargame?”

Spotlight Article Graphic

"Much of what the Department of Defense calls wargaming is not actually wargaming, and that matters." Rex Brynen, in PAXsims, taps in on a discussion by analyst and former officer Phil Pournelle on what passes for "wargaming" in the DOD. "Failing to wargame properly in advance may mean having to learn in actual combat and risk it all."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/20/2024

Princeton 1777

Spotlight Article Graphic

"...this one proved to be the decisive battle that really cemented the American survival in the early months of the Revolution." Jeff Berry, in Obscure Battles, covers the fascinating follow-up engagement to Trenton. Check out the action as "Just when everything seemed to be falling apart, Washington came galloping up."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/13/2024

Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention

Spotlight Article Graphic

The Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention is coming up next month, registration is open now!

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/3/2024

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Gaming Conventions

Another new feature for Grognard.com, the Gaming Convention calendar will make it a snap to keep up with all the latest gaming conventions in your area. But we need your gaming convention information, so please contribute.

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Grognard Challenge - Expanded Room for Comments! (6/25/2023)

The Comments entry area has been resized to 512 characters.

Grognard Originals

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PE TANG 1900 Q&A with Marco Campari

Some Q & A between myself and Marco Campari, designer of Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Strategy Tips

This is the strategy I developed after playing Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Optional Line of Sight Table

Here is an optional table to make it a little more difficult to eliminate the Boxer artillery.

PE TANG 1900 Introductory War Game Review

My review for this great introductory war game concerning an obscure siege of a cathedral during the Boxer Rebellion. Use this game to recruit new war game players.

More Grognard Originals...

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  Game/Publisher Article Info
Game: Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis, 1860-61

Publisher: GMT Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/12/2025 7:33:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Live Playthrough of Fort Sumter (Digital version)(video)

Alexander and Kyle, aka Playdek recorded this live stream replay. It was a nail-biter to the end with Alexander prevailing. Playdek created this digital version of the board game published by GMT games. Available on Steam, and for Android and Apple phones.
Game: Divided Ground: Middle East Conflict 1948-1973

Series: Campaign Series
Publisher: Talonsoft
Game Type: Computer
Date: 1/11/2025 8:12:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Divided Ground: The Middle East Conflict 1948-1973 (war game review)

Steve Butts from IGN gives a decidedly negative review citing system age and other short-comings.
Game: Bismarck

Publisher: Avalon Hill
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/11/2025 7:50:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Deer Valley Game Kits Page (player aids)

The Deer Valley Game Company offers supplements for vintage war games. Scroll down to Bismarck under the World War II section to see a new simplified operational games system and components.
Game: Napoleon: The Waterloo Campaign 1815

Publisher: Columbia Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/11/2025 7:42:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Napoléon: The Waterloo Campaign, 1815 (1974) Board Game Review

Michail from the Board Game Guys describes components, setup, and game play. The game “…offers a unique and engaging experience with its block wargame mechanics.”
Game: Empires of the Middle Ages

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/11/2025 7:07:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.

Here are variant rules from James F. Epperson to make this multi-player game work for 2 players.
Game: Programmed Wargame Scenarios

Publisher: Wargames Research Group
Game Type: Miniatures
Date: 1/10/2025 11:55:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
Another campaign started.

"...the total inspiration for doing this is down to the Grant book and I will be using all of his ideas to manage the campaign..." Check out Norm Smith's, project thinking, with "...two campaigns now planned, the ambition that I set at Christmas to get some big picture stuff going, but using smaller games along the way is starting to take shape."
Game: Beda Fomm

Publisher: Consim Press
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/10/2025 2:30:00 AM
Poster: Robert Holifield
Consim Press overview of their edition of Beda Fomm

John Kranz presents a remarkably good 7 part video series on the Consim Press edition of Beda Fomm. Covered here are an introduction, overview, units, and zones of control, stacking, movement, and morale rules. Filled with examples and the final part answers rule questions.
Game: Bar-Lev: The Yom Kippur War of 1973

Publisher: Conflict Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/10/2025 1:00:00 AM
Poster: Robert Holifield
Strategic Considerations in Bar-Lev

Daniel S. Palter shares his ideas and strategy for playing the Conflict Games edition of Bar-Lev. This article first appeared in Jagdpanther magazine Vol.4 No.14, July 1976.
Game: Les Guerres du Roi Soleil 1667-1713

Publisher: Cerigo Editions
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/8/2025 8:53:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
The Wars of the Sun King: Lace Wars Series - Volume I by Serious Historical Games

"This is an expanded edition of the game that was first issued in Vae Victis in 2019." Robert Peterson, in A Wargamers Needful Things, takes a look at the components of the new edition of this game by designer Philippe Hardy. Check it out if, like Robert you are "...a self-professed ultra fan of the history of Louis XIV's wars. This is a game that has been needed for a long time.
Game: Tactics II

Publisher: Avalon Hill
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/7/2025
Poster: Pat L.
In Memoriam: Revisiting the Avalon Hill Classics, Part II (game inventory)

Joseph J. Scoleri III posted this complete inventory and physical description of the box contents for Avalon Hill’s vintage war games from the 1950’s and 1960’s.
Game: Illusions of Glory: The Great War on the Eastern Front

Publisher: GMT Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/6/2025 10:50:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
The Effect of Troop Quality in Illusions of Glory

"Troop Quality... addresses players’ comments that reinforcements have combat factors which are unrealistically strong when compared to regular units that start the games." Designer Perry Silverman discusses how this enhancement in the 2nd Edition of the game is implemented. "Troop Quality is a simple system that represents reinforcements made up of reserves and home guards as less capable than regular units."
Game: Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe

Publisher: GMT Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/5/2025 8:22:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
USE WW2 (wargame replay)(10 videos)

Chewie Matt displays his game table as he plays the game for the first time. Click these links to see the full set of videos: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8; Part 9; and Part 10.
Game: The Longest Trench

Publisher: Udo Grebe Gamedesign
Game Type: Card
Date: 1/4/2025 12:59:00 PM
Poster: Michał Kowalczuk
First Look at The Longest Trench

The Longest Trench is a very strategic take on the World War I. It plays quickly & has some interesting, new mechanics. Let us see what we are getting in the game box!
Game: Day of Days: The Invasion of Normandy 1944

Series: Standard Combat Series
Publisher: Multi-Man Publishing
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/4/2025 12:56:00 PM
Poster: Michał Kowalczuk
First Look at Day of Days by Multi-Man Publishing

Day of Days is an epic take on the first ten days of Allied 1944 Normandy Invasion. Let us have a look at great components of this title as well as some basic game concepts. Enjoy!
Game: Combat

Publisher: Ideal
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/4/2025 7:46:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Combat (1963) Board Game

Did you watch the Combat TV show in the early 1960's? They still re-run it in 2025. This game used the theme of the show, squad on squad battles, albeit in an abstract format. Michail from Board Game Guys posts a positive, concise review. The game is “for those who enjoy classic, straightforward strategy games and have an appreciation for historical or nostalgic gaming experiences.”
Game: Battle for Stalingrad

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/4/2025 7:27:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Battle for Stalingrad (1980) Board Game

Michail from Board Game Guys posts a positive, concise review. The game offers a “…good introduction for newcomers” but “…experienced players might find the game’s mechanics and realism lacking compared to more modern wargames. “
Game: Divided Ground: Middle East Conflict 1948-1973

Series: Campaign Series
Publisher: Talonsoft
Game Type: Computer
Date: 1/4/2025 7:14:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
PC Review - Divided Ground: Middle East Conflict 1948-1973

Rainier Van Autrijve gives a mostly negative review based on graphics and the age of the system platform used for the game. He prefers other games released in 2001 sporting 3D graphics and platforms with more features. The reviewer represents changing tastes among war gamers in the PC/Internet era. Although the web site is active, older articles have lost their picture links so this is a copy from the Internet Archive. We thank Archive.org for preserving this web page and it’s graphics.
Game: Undead

Publisher: Steve Jackson Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/4/2025
Poster: Pat L.
Unboxing Video: Classic Pocket Box Games Bundle from Steve Jackson Games

Alexander Klein from the Players’ Aid received the Classic Pocket Box Games Bundle produced by Steve Jackson Games and unboxed the 6 games in this video: Kung Fu 2100, Raid on Iran, Necromancer, One Page Bulge, Undead, and The Awful Green Things from Outer Space. From the looks of the contents, it appears that the previous owner created copies of various parts to preserve the original components.
Game: Caporetto 1917

Series: Great War Series
Publisher: Europa Simulazioni
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/3/2025 10:12:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
This is about the wargaming company Europa Simulazioni

"I have the game, and it is both big and beautiful." Robert Peterson, in A Wargamers Needful Things, posts some thoughts from this firm about their history, and their latest game.
Game: Gunslinger

Publisher: Avalon Hill
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/3/2025 9:17:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Gunslinger: Let's Get Started

From my YouTube channel, Seek Out & Play. A short video on Gunslinger, an out-of-print game from Avalon Hill. The video covers what the game is about, how it works, and the turn sequence.
Game: Lost Battles

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 1/1/2025 10:11:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
Lost Battles Scenarios

"These are three new scenarios for the SPI game Lost Battles. These use the variant mapsheets by Anton Vorchek and the variant counters from my Advanced Lost Battles article." Alan Arvold brings us more Lost Battles enjoyment!
Game: Blitz in the East

Publisher: VentoNuovo Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/30/2024 8:00:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
Review: Blitz in the East

"Blitz in the East uses clever game mechanics to address the advantages of each side." Paul Chernoff, in Pushing Cardboard, offers an excellent in-depth review of this strategic level East Front game. Check out why Paul feels the game "...does not force players to follow history."
Game: V-Commandos

Publisher: Triton Noir
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/28/2024 8:05:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
V-Commandos Review

This nicely illustrated review from Tahsin Shamma describes the game’s concepts and mechanics. The game works best with a group of players willing to digest the rules and work together during the mission.
Game: Empires of the Middle Ages

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/28/2024 7:44:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
CHARLE-MAIL Emplres of the Mlddle Ages Postal Rules (pdf)

John Boardman, noted postal game player, created these rules to aid play by mail players.
Game: Broadside

Series: American Heritage Series
Publisher: Milton Bradley
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/28/2024 7:40:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Files: Broadside Rules

Sails of Glory has a pdf version of the rules for Broadside.
Game: Civil War Game 1863

Publisher: Parker Brothers
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/28/2024 7:04:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
"1863" - Parker Brothers Civil War Game, 1961

James N. provides the history and description of this vintage Parker Brothers game on the Civil War Talk enthusiasts web site. The article includes excellent illustrations and several pages of interesting comments from the forum group.
Game: Congress of Vienna

Series: Great Statesmen Series
Publisher: GMT Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/27/2024 10:25:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
How to Play with Each Major Congress of Vienna Game Power: Britain (2024 Edition)

"...it is you who have many opportunities available to truly rule Britain and make her “Great”! It is an appellation to be earned!" Frank Esparrago and Fred Schachter continue their tips on play articles for the major powers in this Great Statesmen series game. Find out about the "...special ability [that] can allow you to win the Diplomacy Phase many times with 2 VP each or decide which tied player will obtain them."
Game: Burning Banners: Rage of the Witch Queen

Publisher: Compass Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/27/2024 10:06:00 AM
Poster: Michał Kowalczuk
Burning Banners: Invasion of Drefeld – Gameplay

In this article Michal presents the Base Game Rules for Burning Banners. He does it playing one of the game scenarios, Invasion of Drefeld. Enjoy!
Game: Total War: ROME – The Board Game

Publisher: PSC Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/27/2024 10:03:00 AM
Poster: Michał Kowalczuk
First Look at Total War: ROME

The long-awaited game is finally here - Total War: ROME. Today we shall review in details its components and expansions. More content will follow. Enjoy!
Game: Up Front

Publisher: Avalon Hill
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/25/2024 8:41:00 AM
Poster: Ken McElhaney
Up Front: 501 City Fight in Four Compellation

From Seek Out & Play, a video that compiles the 501 City Fight in Four nation videos complete with a new introduction.
Game: 300 Earth & Water

Publisher: Nuts! Publishing
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/23/2024 4:01:00 PM
Poster: Doug Holt
300: Earth and Water

"The rules are simple, but offer wide scope for different strategies to be employed by both sides." Prufrock, in Here's no great matter, has a first go at his recently acquired copy of this Greeks/Persians clash title. Check out the pluses that lead him to conclude: "It is compact, clever, and will require thoughtful play."
Game: Sergeants Miniatures Game: Day of Days

Publisher: Lost Battalion Games
Game Type: Miniatures
Date: 12/21/2024 8:57:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Sergeants Miniatures Game at Historicon (2013)

In his blog, Games, Games, and Wargames, Michael posted this slide show from a game table at Historicon in 2013.
Game: Battle for Stalingrad

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/21/2024 8:52:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Battle for Stalingrad house rules

After a quick overview, wargame grogs offers several variant rules to improve game play.
Game: D-Day

Publisher: Avalon Hill
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/21/2024 7:06:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
D-Day Avalon Hill

A quick father/son chat after playing D-Day from Big Board Gaming. We need to recruit new players or the war game hobby will disappear.
Game: Gunslinger

Publisher: Avalon Hill
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/20/2024 10:10:00 PM
Poster: Pat L.
Gunslinger: Let's Get Started

A short video on Gunslinger, an out-of-print game from Avalon Hill. The video covers what the game is about, how it works, and the turn sequence.
Game: Song For War

Publisher: Invicta Rex Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/18/2024 9:41:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
Song for War from Invicta Rex Games

"My focus today is going to be specifically on the single major new development." Polydor, in A Wargamers Needful Things, takes a look at the Kickstarter relaunch for a game which he hotly anticipates. See if you're ready to enthuse with him, for example about the "smaller" option in the project: "...Song For War: Mediterranean Operations will be a stunning buy in its own right with a single mounted board with the two maps on opposite sides."
Game: Hands in the Sea

Publisher: Phalanx Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/18/2024 2:24:00 AM
Poster: Michał Kowalczuk
First Look at Hands in the Sea

This is a preview video for Hands in the Sea from PHALANX Games - which just recently finished its crowdfunding campaign and should be published next year.
Game: Angola

Publisher: Multi-Man Publishing
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/18/2024 2:22:00 AM
Poster: Michał Kowalczuk
[REVIEW] Angola

Michal from The Boardgames Chronicle gets a closer look on a true all-time classic - Angola from Multi-Man Publishing. We will get detailed analysis of this game and how it nicely aged since its publication. Enjoy!
Game: The Lions of El Alamein

Publisher: VentoNuovo Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/16/2024 7:53:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
El Alamein: The Beginning and the End

VentoNuovo Games discusses deeper background detail on El Alamein for their project!
Game: Berlin 1945

Publisher: Taktyka i Strategia
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/14/2024 8:59:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Berlin 1945

The Original Grognard unboxes Berlin 1945 from Taktyka i Strategia (Tactics & Strategy Games).
Game: Middle East '67

Series: Modern Campaigns Series
Publisher: HPS Simulations
Game Type: Computer
Date: 12/14/2024 7:29:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Chic of the burning sands

Robert Mayer reviews the first John Tiller game created for the modern era (post World War II). HPS Simulations published the first version. The title is a spoof of a spoof, the song, Ahab the Arab by Ray Stevens. We thank Archive.org for preserving this review.
Game: Empires of the Middle Ages

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/14/2024 7:22:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Empires of the Middle Ages (war game review)

A quick overview followed by 7 concise reviews.
Game: Bismarck

Publisher: Avalon Hill
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/14/2024 7:11:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Bismarck (board game)

A complete description of both versions of the game.
Game: Lost Battles

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/11/2024 11:28:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
Lost Battles Maps

Alan Arvold brings us "...five variant mapsheets created by Anton Vorchek that can be used as alternative mapsheets when playing the various scenarios of the game."
Map A
Map B
Map C
Map D
Map E
Game: Warfighter: The World War II Tactical Combat Card Game

Series: Warfighter Series
Publisher: Dan Verssen Games
Game Type: Card
Date: 12/11/2024 7:36:00 AM
Poster: Ken McElhaney
Warfighter 29 - Finland

Another entry in the Warfighter 29 series, this one focuses on Finland. The video contains two teams created with 29 resource points. The teams can be used by themselves in small missions or put together for those wishing to fight larger missions with higher resource point values.
Game: Khalkhin-Gol

Publisher: Simulations Design Corporation
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 12/11/2024 4:54:00 AM
Poster: Robert Holifield
Article from Conflict Magazine

An article that appeared in Conflict Magazine No. 7, June 1974. Gameplay, strategy, corrected order of battle, game balance advice and rule clarifications are discussed.
Game: The Lions of El Alamein

Publisher: VentoNuovo Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/9/2024 11:12:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
El Alamein: The Beginning and the End

VentoNuovo Games offers more background for their El Alamein project!
Game: Gettysburg (1958 edition)

Publisher: Avalon Hill
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/8/2024
Poster: Pat L.
In Memoriam: Revisiting the Avalon Hill Classics, Part II (game inventory)

Joseph J. Scoleri III posted this complete inventory and physical description of the box contents for Avalon Hill’s vintage war games from the 1950’s and 1960’s.
Game: One Page Bulge

Publisher: Steve Jackson Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/7/2024 9:28:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Unboxing Video: Classic Pocket Box Games Bundle from Steve Jackson Games

Alexander Klein from the Players’ Aid received the Classic Pocket Box Games Bundle produced by Steve Jackson Games and unboxed the 6 games in this video: Kung Fu 2100, Raid on Iran, Necromancer, One Page Bulge, Undead, and The Awful Green Things from Outer Space. From the looks of the contents, it appears that the previous owner created copies of various parts to preserve the original components.
Game: Battle for Stalingrad

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 12/7/2024 7:29:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Download parts for SPI Games

SPIGAMES.net is an excellent source for all things related to SPI Games. This link presents downloads for rules, counters, charts, and maps. Scroll down for parts related to Battle for Stalingrad.